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    Nollywood movies watching pattern and risky sexual behaviour among in-school adolescents in selected South-Western Nigeria secondary schools
    (Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2020-12) Alonge, A. J.
    Nollywood movies are being released at exponential rates. With an average of 50 movies being released on a weekly basis. Observations have revealed that a number of the films produced, and which are accessible to in-school adolescents promotes risky sexual behaviour. In-school adolescents are in their formative years and access to these types of films can affect their sexual behaviour. This study surveyed the Nollywood movies watching pattern and risky sexual behaviour among in-school adolescents. A correlational survey was carried out using the quantitative method. A total of 644 students were sampled using the probability proportionate to size sampling technique while a pre-tested questionnaire with reliability coefficient of 0.75 (r = 0.75) was used as data gathering instrument. Data were analysed using the descriptive method of frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation for objectives 1 and 2 while Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used for objective 3. Result showed that majority of the in-school adolescents surveyed have access to Nollywood movies with sexual content (60.0%), though their parents censors the movies (63.8%). Correlation was found between Nollywood watching pattern and risky sexual behaviour among in-school adolescents in selected south-western Nigeria secondary schools (r = .266**, N= 644, p<.05). The study therefore, recommended that parents should continue to censor movies watched by their wards.
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    The form and content of obasa’s weekly newspaper: the yoruba news
    (2020) Akangbe, C. A.
    The Yorùbá News, published d by Oḅ asa,́ co-pioneered journalism, nay publishing, in Yorùbá language in southwestern Nigeria. Based in Ibàdaǹ and published by I ̀lar̀ é ̣ Printers, The Yorùbá News, a bi-lingual serial in English and Yorùbá languages, remarkably had varying contents and wide circulation covering its locale,́ Ibàdaǹ significantly; the southern protectorate, particularly Yorùbá land appreciably; and the entire nation, Nigeria marginally. Published weekly, Oḅasa – the Editor and Proprietor – successfully edited The Yorùbá News for over two decades from 1924 – 1945 when he died. Adopting the Diffusion of Innovations theory, this study examines the form and content of the newspaper. The form examines the structure and layout of the newspaper while the content discusses and evaluates issues covered in the publication. The form of The Yorùbá News is discussed in the context of the print media as a periodical by taking technical cognizance of its physical features: format, design and layout, typography, columns, paper, size and production quality. Content-wise, the paper exhaustively describes the subject matters of The Yorùbá News by dwelling critically on the issues raised, examining in details and critiquing its recurrent subject matters notably: the news stories, editorials, cover, advertorials, news and notes, etc. The inter-dependence of form and content is also examined to bring to the fore the social, cultural, political, and economic values of the maiden Yorùbá Newspaper: The Yorùbá News.
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    Form and contents of yorùbá photoplay magazine: the yoruba photodrama example
    (Ibadan Cultural Studies Group, Ibadan, 2017) Akangbe, C. A.
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    Information attitude of book editors and productivity in the publishing firms in South-West, Nigeria
    (2020) Akangbe, C. A.; Igudia, O. E.
    The publishing industry is a vital index of a nation's development. It makes its contribution to national growth through its productivity, and a key agent of this productivity is the editor. The editor forms the nucleus of the publishing firm. He/she is the nerve of the publishing operations and is highly indispensable in the publishing processes. However, information is germane to editorial activities and as such he/she cannot perform optimally without having requisite information. This thus implies that editor must seek for information. Information-seeking entails requisite and appropriate disposition which is otherwise called attitude. The attitude of editors, the type as well as source of information are all important for editorial efficiency. It is these issues of information attitude of editors and their productivity that this study seeks to answer. Survey method was adopted for the study, structured questionnaire was the instrument employed for data collection while three research questions were formulated. The study population was 62 educational publishing firms in South-West Nigeria while the sample for the study was the 205 editorial staff of twenty randomly selected publishing houses which constituted 19.4 %. The data collected were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 21. Mean and standard deviation were determined for continuous variables while frequencies and percentages were carried out on categorical variables. The results were presented in tables and charts. The study recommended that editors should obtain information on production, explore the Internet and social media more effectively and strive for more editorial competence to attain higher productivity. Structured into seven parts; the paper is discussed under the following subheadings: introduction, literature review, theoretical framework, methodology, analysis and discussion, conclusion and recommendations.
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    A survey of audience reception of atọ́ka, a yorùbá photoplay magazine
    (2019) Akangbe, C. A.
    Atọ́ka is a Yorubá photodrama magazine produced in Lagos, Southwest Nigeria from 1967-1991. Published by West African Book Publishers (WABP) and printed by their sister company, Academy Press, Atọ́ ka was a bi-monthly magazine which, while it lasted, hit the stands fortnightly. Extensive works have been done on Yorubá drama by several scholars. While some looked at specific theater companies, some studied the selected plays of particular companies, and some others examined the production of certain organizations at a particular phase. Despite these myriad of works, some other production media, particularly the stage, celluloid film, and home video film, have gained the attention of researchers extensively but photoplay in particular, and radio, television, and the phonograph-disc have not been so lucky. Apart from some works (Ogúndeji 1981, Aróhunmọ́ lasẹ ̣ 1982, Adeó ye 1984, Bọ́láji ́ 1985, Adéléke 1995, and Akangbé 2014) that referred to and passed comments on Yorubá photoplay, no one has carried out a seminal study on the history, production, and content of Atọ́ka photoplay magazine. None of the aforementioned endeavors focused on the audience reception of Atọ́ka photoplay magazine. By implication, there are very scanty works on the photoplay genre and virtually none on audience reception of Yorubá photoplay magazine. It is this yawning gap that this study intends to fill by studying the peculiarities of the readers of Atọ́ka photoplay magazine. This paper is divided into nine parts, namely: Abstract, Introduction, Overview of Yorubá photoplay magazine, eception theory, Methodology, Data analysis, Discussion of findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations.
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    Production techniques of photoplay magazines: the example of atọ́ka, a yorùbá photodrama
    (Association of Media and Communication Researchers of Nigeria, 2019-04) Akangbe, C. A.
    The Yorùbá theatre practitioners employed the print media – tagged photoplay magazine – as production medium for several of its plays during the second half of the twentieth century. The first and foremost publication in the photoplay genre was named Ató ḳ a. A unique outlet of dramatic expression by the Yorùbá theatre companies from 1967 – 1991. However, Atóka has received little attention from researchers. The theory of Total Quality Management (TQM) was employed for the study. The objective of this study is to document Atóka’s production techniques and put its contributions to the development of Yorùbá entertainment industry on record. The primary data consisted of 108 editions (25%) randomly selected from a total of 430 editions published. In-depth interviews were conducted with all the five editors and one former photographer of Atóka. Findings showed that Atóka was a fusion of dramatic arts, photographic arts and publishing arts. Its complex and sophisticated production was also a melting pot of different specialisations and disciplines. Atóka had an electrifying impact on its teeming readers across Nigeria and beyond. This paper is broadly discussed under: introduction, concept of TQM, origination and design, editorial and editing, printing, discussion of findings, and conclusion.
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    Attitude of women towards the use of family planning information in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria
    (University of Ibadan, Distance Learning Centre, Ibadan, 2018) Akinsanya, A. O.; Akangbe, C. A.
    Women of child bearing age need information for their development in all aspects of life. One of such crucial information they require for optimum living is family planning information (FPI). Effective use of FPI, however, depends on the attitude of women towards it. It has been established that women’s poor attitudes towards FPI, as a result of many factors, have caused accelerated increase in population growth, high rate of unwanted pregnancies, increased sexually transmitted diseases, and illegal abortion, among others. It is against this background that this research examined the attitude of women towards the use of family planning information in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and systematic random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of 250 women o: child bearing age (15-49 years) in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was the main research instrument and data was analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages for the three research questions. Results showed that most of the respondents have heard about family planning information, some have adopted it while others did not because of fear of its side effects, lack of awareness and partner’s disagreement. Awareness of FPI was found to be average but its level of use was low.
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    Awareness and use of family planning information by women in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria
    (Awareness and use of family planning information by women in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria, 2018) Akinsanya, A. O.; Akangbe, C. A.
    Family planning is a comprehensive medical and social practice which enables individuals to determine easily the number and spacing of their children and to select the means of its achievement. The information on the knowledge of family planning services is referred to as family planning in-formation (FPI). Failure to use FPI often results in problems such as unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortions, infants and maternal deaths, rapid population growth and sexually transmitted infections; among others. To avoid these problems, awareness of FPI is paramount but rather it appears to be low. The government, medical practitioners and the media are really bothered about the seeming apathy and unenthusiastic awareness of FPI by women. It is against this background that this research examined the aware-ness and use of family planning information by women in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study; simple random and accidental sampling techniques were used to select the sample size of 250 women of childbearing age (15-49 years). Questionnaire was the chief re-search instrument and data was analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages for the four research questions. Findings showed that some of the respondents were using family planning methods while many were not because of fear of side effects, lack of awareness, and partner’s disagreement; among others. Awareness of FPI was found to be average but the level of use was low. The study therefore recommended that awareness of family planning information must be encouraged, quality of education and health-care services should be improved, and adequate funding should be ensured for procurement of required tools and equipment.
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    Copyright violation and combating mechanisms in selected publishing houses in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
    (2018) Akangbe, C. A.; Nkwocha, A. C.
    Copyright violation poses a major challenge to the publishing industry. It is a common malaise which does not only affect all the stakeholders in the book sector, but is inimical to the growth and survival of the industry. This study therefore examined the combating mechanisms adopted by selected publishing houses in curbing copyright violation in Ibadan metropolis in Oyo State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted and the study population consisted of200 staff drawn from eight publishing houses in Ibadan. Total enumeration method was employed; questionnaire was the data collection instrument, while data was analysed using descriptive statistics for the five research questions formulated. Findings revealed that the most common forms of copyright violation were piracy and sale of publications without authors' consent while its effect include loss of income, retardation of economic growth, loss of job, and loss of reputation. The use of technology-based deterrents like internet protocol restrictions was considered best in discouraging copyright violation for electronic publications. Finding revealed that severe enforcement of copyrights law and the use ofpublic enlightenment programme are effective combating measures against copyright violation. It was recommended, among others, that government and publishers should embark on public enlightenment programme, make books affordable, and collaborate to combat copyright violation.
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    Publishing in an electronic age: prospects and challenges
    (Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2018-01) Akangbe, C. A.
    Publishing, from inception till date, has transited through different stages courtesy of technological discoveries and inventions. From the invention of printing machine by Johan Gutenberg in Germany, technology has continued to revolutionise printing and influenced publishing generally. With technological advancement, the publishing profession is heavily electronic oriented with virtually all its activities from manuscript sourcing to productionelectronic-driven. Publishing has no doubt arrived at electronic age. Though electronic publishing is novel and resourceful, it is not without its challenges. The issue of prospects and challenges of electronic publishing therefore constitute the focus of this paper. The paper examines the conventional publishing processes which follows a Content -Aggregation - Production-Marketing-Distribution -Sale-Consumption continuum as against Electronic (digital) publishing which maintains Content - Aggregation - Marketing - Sale - Consumption sequence. The paper also examines the prospects and challenges of electronic publishing and round-off with conclusion.