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Item Information needs of agricultural engineers: the case of Ibadan, Oyo state, capital, Nigeria(UNESCO, Dakar regional office 12 avenue Roume, BP3311, Dakar, Senegal, 1995-09-03) Igbeka, J. U.Item Records management of a typical state judiciary in Nigeria(Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 1998-12) Abioye, A. A.; Popoola, S. O.The study is aimed at investigating the management of legal records in Nigeria with special reference to the Oyo State Judiciary. Questionnaire, interviews and direct observation methods were used for data collection. The study revealed that the state judiciary generates and receives records of various types such as case files, probate files, record books, cause books and registers. These records are in paper format. The records life-cycle concept was not applied to the management of the legal records. Also, there was no records retention and disposition schedule, the records centre operations are not performed, records appraisal was never done, and the filing system in use was alpha-numeric and chronological.Item Information seeking behaviour of agricultural enginneers in Nigeria: institutional influences, information sources and channels(2000-05) Igbeka, J. U.; Atinmo, M. I.This study sought to determine the information seeking behaviour of agricultural engineers in Nigeria. There was also an interest in funding out if they differed in their information seeking behaviour according to their different places to work. It made use of 261 agricultural engineers who were selected from the different organisations where they work by stratified random sampling. Data collection invovled the use of the questionnaire while data analysis invovled the use of analysis of variance statistics (for independent groups). The result shows that majority of the agricultural enginneers search for information by use of traditional print sources (journals textbooks etc.) On -line sources of information were no popular with the enginneers. The result also show that the agricultural engineers differed in thier information seeking behaviour according to their different palces of work. Recommendations include the supply of current information sources to their different organisations and training facilities as regards computer on-line search for information.Item Impact of new information technology on librarian effectiveness in performing library functions:a case of Nigerian university libraries(African Jorunal of Archival & information Science, 2000-12) Igbeka, J. U.Information technologies have been found to play an important role in various functions in the library, and for library users. Academic libraries like all other libraries make use of various information technologies in the academic libraries in Nigeia and examines the effectiveness of librarians in the use of these information technologies. The study determines the impact made by library-automated system, electronic data systems and services in academic libraries. Twelve federal universities in Nigeria were randomly selected for this study, and the questionnaire instrument was used to collect data. The result of this study indicates the following; that there is a significant difference in the use of new information technologies and librarians' effectiveness, that there is nosignificant contribution to librarians should be properly trained in the use of thses new information technologies.Provision should also be made for each academic librarian to have a personal computer (PC) available for constant use by these librarians.Item Information use and productivity of agricultural engineers in Nigeria(Educational planning unit, department of educational management, university of Ibadan, 2000-12) Igbeka, J. U.The study sought to determine the sources and types of information used by agricultural engineers in Nigeria and the extent to which the information usuage of agric enginneers determines their productivity level. The study made use of 261 agricultural engineers who were selected by stratified random sampling techniques according to their different places of work. Data was collected through the use of questionnaire tagged Information Utilization Scale (IUS). The data was analyzed using percentages and simple correlation statistics. The results shows that a large percentage of the respondents utilize agricultural engineering textbooks and manuals (67.8%), journal publications (66.7%), and conference/workshop papers (66.7%) to great extent. However, the result established that 67% of the respondents do not use information about laws and states, adminstrative rules and executive order. Moreover, the result shows that on the average the repondents altogether produced one published research paper, two conference paper, one extensive pamphlet, two research designs, one prototype and two- fabricated equipment per year.Item The influence of the work palce on the information seeking behiour and information utilization of Agricultural engineers(Nigerian Library Association, 2001) Igbeka, J. U.; Atinmo, M. I.Factors which influence the information seeking behaviour and information utilization of different professional groups have been the subject of much investigation. This study examined whether or not there were significant differences in the information seeking behaviour and information utilization of Nigeiran agricultureal engineers employment in four different work enviroments, viz tertiary institutions, public sector/ministry, private sector, and research institutes. A stratified random sample of 261 out of the 671 registered agricultural engineers in Nigeria eas selected; proportional allocation was used to obtain sample size for each statum. Questionnaires were administered to all groups. Result showed significantt differences in the information seeking behaviour of the respondents in respect of thier palces of work (F-20.226, df=3,257,p<0.05). Additional results indicated no significant differences in information utilization of respondents based on thier work places. Recommendations pertient to the work situation of agricultural engineers in Nigeria were suggested.Item Trends and standards in software selection in Nigerian libraries(Nigerian library assocaition(Ogun state chapter), 2002) Fatoki, O. CTINLIB(now t series) is the most popular library automation package in Nigeria but many academic libraries are at the verge of migrating to other systems. The decision to adopt one of the numerous library packages is still a difficult one. The advent of library software, the trends in the country and across the African scene were discussed while the steps to responsible software selection were highlighted. The features of a good library software were also discussed in details. The scenario of library software use in Nigeria and the challenges were explored. The pricing of library software products and other considerations such as technical support and vendor issues were featured. Recommendations towards successful selection and utilization of library software in Nigeria were made. A comparative study of five common library software packages in Africa was also made so as to assist libraries in Nigeria that may want to select a library package for use. The need for Nigerian academic libraries to pull together as evident in other African countries was emphasized as well the need for involvement of professional bodies in setting standards in library software productsItem Access to public archives: a right or a privilege?(Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2002) Abioye, A. A. A.This paper traces the evolution of access to public archives. it takes a look at the concept of liberalization of access, particularly the perceived citizen's right of access. It critically examines the various conditions of access in the light of which it concludes that access to public archives is a privilege rather than a right.Item Access to public archives: a right or a privilege?(Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2002) Abioye, A. A. A.This paper traces the evolution of access to public archives. It takes a look at the concept of liberalization of access, particularly the perceived citizen's right of access. It critically examines the various conditions of access in the light of which it concludes that access to public archives is a privilege rather than a right.Item Dressing code compliance in academic libraries: a case study of Igbindion University Library, Okada(2003) Olaojo, P. O.This paper evaluates the enforcement of dressing code in Igbinedion University Library, Okada. It reveals the effect on readers’ concentration. Also, the justification for its introduction in a private initiative library was emphasized. The paper identifies ways of demanding compliance by the Librarians considering likely position posture of the affected students while suggestions were made to help reduce, if not curb indecent dressing that has eaten deep into the fabrics of the nations academic sector.Item Effect of study habits, information accessibility and use on learning outcomes of postgraduate students in University of Ibadan, Nigeria(Oyo State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2004) Olaojo, P. O.; Akewukereke, M. A.This study examined effects of study habits, information accessibility and use on learning outcomes of postgraduate students in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. There were 64 males and 36 females in the sample. Out of this, 23 women and 39 men were married. Subjects responded to questions on information accessibility/use, study habits and learning outcomes. It was hypothesised and found from the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and mean that there is significant difference between information use and study habits based on sex. Likewise, information accessibility has influence on the study habits of University of Ibadan postgraduate students. Finally, it was found that study habits, information accessibility/use and learning outcomes revealed significant différences based on marital status of the respondents. The paper concluded that the respondents,are affected differently by timing, stress-coping ability, previous expérience and background knowledge of their discipline cum détermination to succeed.Item Library, archival and information studies (LARIS) curricula as determinant of professional job performance in librarianship in Nigeria(Oyo State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2004) Okwilagwe, O. A.; Olaojo, P. O.A comparison of the performance of LARIS graduates with the departmental curricula was made with a view to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of LARIS graduâtes at their various places of work. The participants for the study consist of three hundred and ten (310) graduâtes of LARIS Department randomly selected. The four point Likert Scale fixed response questionnaire was used to obtain information on the perception of LARIS graduâtes on professional job performance. The t-test statistics was utilised to analyse the data collected for the study. The results indicated that significant relationship existed between the curricula and learning outcomes of LARIS graduâtes; the charactepstics of LARIS cirncula is not a determinant of professional job performance in the field of librarianship; and there is no noticeable professionalism in the field of librarianship in Nigeria at présent. The study then recommended improvement in the areas of teaching -learning activités; provision of library equipment and tools; and prompt appraisal of present LARIS curricula if the Department must meet its strategie rôles in elevating the standard of practicing librarians to a professional one in Nigeria.Item Perception and use of the internet by adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria(Royal People (Nigeria) Ltd., Ibadan, 2004) Abioye, A.The study focused on the perception and use of the Internet by the adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria. It investigated the types of information sourced from the Internet, the point of access and the constraints to access. The instruments adopted for the study were questionnaire, interview and observation. The study established that the adolescents see the Internet among others as a vital source of information, a window to the world and a source of entertainment. It also established that the cybercafe is the most prominent access point and that access is constrained, among others, by slow connectivity, high cost and server problem. It concluded by proffering solution to the problems of access.Item Back to the drawing board: the role of information service manager redefined(Nigerian Library Association, 2004) Abioye, A.This paper examines and redefines the role of information service manager in the light of the new information communication technologies (ICT). It takes a look at the growth of information service and the place of information service manager in the information environment of the 21st century. It discusses the emergence of knowledge management and the consequent challenges of knowledge transfer. It concludes by advising the information service manager to chart a new course suitable to meeting the information needs of the 21st century.Item Library automation inNigeria: the Kenneth Dike library experience(Nigerian library assocaition(Lagos state chapter), 2004) Fatoki, O. CThe university of Ibadan library system embarked on the automation of its operations in 1991. This paper reviews the automation project plan and processes of the library over the period and highlights the problems stunting the project. The importance of periodical evaluation of performance is discussed. The paper recommends that libraries should have strategic plan for thier automation project constantly review long, intermediate and short-term goals to align with developements in the ICT industry, develop programs with active participaion of the library professionals and support staff, and also ensure cooperation with other libraries either at local, regional or national levels. THe paper concludes that library automation in Nigerian libraries is a challenging but achievable task.Item Records management practices of colleges of education in Nigeria: a study of federal college of education, Yola and college of education, Jalingo(Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2004-12) Abioye, A. A.; Habila, J. R.Records are information, irrespective of the format on which they appear Records are important. Without records, an organization simply cannot function. It is in the light of this that this study examined records management practices in the studied institutions to determine their relevance and effectiveness in facilitating the implementation of the aims and objectives of the Colleges. Findings from the study revealed that the studied institutions applied the records life - cycle concept in the management of records but without putting a functional records management practices in place. The study recommended that functional records management should be implemented especially in the areas of recruiting professionally trained personnel in the management of records, improved storage facilities, automation of records and putting in place a disaster management programme as a security measure to guide against natural and man-made disaster among others.Item Analysis and patterns of CD_ROM database use in Kenneth Dike library, university of Ibadan, Nigeria.(The Association of information professionals of Nigeria, 2004-12-06) Igbeka, J. U.This study investigated the usage pattern of CD_ROM databases in Kenneth Dike library, university of Ibadan and how this facility meets the information needs of users. Data collected using: records of users between 1995-2001; 2 sets of questionnaire which satisfied and unsatisfied users and library staff, on how to improve services were entertained. Result showed that users were not very knowledgable on how to conduct a good/successful CD_ROM literature search; some CD_ROM databases are usually not very current, journal articles whose abstract were cited are not often available in the industry. Recommendations and suggestions whic included training of users and library personnel on how to conduct the CD_ROM literature searching, updating of CD_ROM databases, making available current journals in the library and effective library document delivery after a serach were made.Item Analysis of users' searches of CD-ROM databases(Emerald, 2005) Okpala, A. EPurpose- This study investigates the behaviour of searches of CD-ROM databases in the Kenneth Dike library of the university of Ibadan, Nigeria. The aim of the study was to identify the behaviour of end-users with different amounts of overall experience in searching electronic databases in order to identify the knowledge of thier search systems and syntax, and its effect on thier search result, for the purpose of improving user education. Design/methodology/approach-All end-user who conducted searches during the priod of the research were the subject of the research. A well-constructed questionnaire, including interveiws and observations, were used to collect the requisite data. The variables included in this study are uservariables, search process variables and search outcome variables. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Finding- The results show that logical operates "AND" and "OR" are significantly used for searching by end-users; that search results are dependent on search strategy employed by the user. The more sophisticated the search strategy, the greater the result in term s of number and revelance obtained by the searcher. The result also shows that there is no relationship between the level of education of users and quality of search strategy. Practical implications- The implication of study is mainly the importance and necessity of training for end-users in CD-ROM literature search. Originality/ value- The uniqueness of the study is based on the fact that certain strategic methods are required for successful CD_ROM literature search and that this does not depend on the level of education of users. This paper is therefore important and applicable to all end-users who are interested in conduction CD_ROM literature search.Item Prospects of GSM technology for academic libraries services(emerald, 2005) Fatoki, O. CPurpose- Poor telecommunication infrastructure has been generally identified as a hindrance to most library activities in Nigeria. However, with the emergence and spread of wireless technologies, especially the global system of mobile communications (GSM), this paper seeks to consider the implications of this event on library services, with suggestions on the possible applications to academic libraries. Design/methodology/approach- A background study of information and communication technology staus past and present in Nigeria was carried out, especially the impact of wireless technologies on the global scale and the country. Findings- The GSM technologies acceptance and growth rate among the Nigerian populace has serious and great potentials for enhancing the communication and information technology- related services in libraries and information centres in Nigeria. However, information managers need to fully exploit the opportunities presented by this relatively new phenomenon with a view to providing improved products and services to the library users, especially in the academic sector. Originality/value- This paper highlights the use of GSM technologies library services. It targets librarians and information managers who have been limited in the past by inadequate telephone/telecommunications infrastructure. Encourages the professionals to exploit the oppurtunities presented by these expanding technologies.Item Application of information technology (IT) in the management of court records in the supreme court of Nigeria(2005) Abioye, A.Information technology (IT) being crucial to the management of records in all sectors, the study investigated the level of awareness and application of IT to court records management in the Supreme Court of Nigeria. It examined the facilities available, use, constraints and prospects. The research instruments adopted for data collection were interview and observation. The results showed that there is high level of awareness of the importance of IT. The technology is used mainly for record creation and distribution. Constraints include poor funding and lack of well-trained staff in the use of IT for records management. The study concluded and made necessary recommendations for the improved use of IT for court record management in the Supreme Court of Nigeria.