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Item Strategies for preventing social breakdown in schools(Department of Social Works, University of Ibadan, Ibadan., 1998-09) Folaranmi, F.An attempt has been made in this paper to present a model on the process of social breakdown. The model, developed by Robinson (1978) describes the gradual process of breakdown in social functioning in relation to individuals, families and schools and pays particular attention to the parts various agents of social control play in the prevention of social breakdown. Strategies developed by experts which are directed at individuals, professionals and the government for the prevention of social breakdown are recommended. Thereafter, the strengths and limitations of the strategies are discussed and a conclusion is reached that urgent social work intervention in the schools will help a great deal in preventing social breakdown in schools.Item Psycho-social dimensions of discriminatory widowhood rites and practices in South-Western Nigeria(Department of Social Works, University of Ibadan, Ibadan., 2001-06) Folaranmi, O. O.; Adegoke, T. G.Women, who find themselves single after marriage, whether through death of a husband or through divorce, learn that being the head of a household brings with it a set of special problems, the greatest being emotional. Even in a bad marriage, the survivor feels the loss. The concept of widowhood and widow's rites are examined as it is practised in South Western Nigeria. Apart from works already documented in the literature on psychosocial implications of widowhood practices, examples abound in our society which confirm the fact that there are indeed some discriminatory practices which have a lot of psychological and sociological implications on widows in South Western Nigeria. There is no doubt that these unhealthy attitudes do have some psychological and sociological implications on the individual in general. This paper, therefore, explains the various psychological and sociological implications, and offer recommendations on how the discriminatory practices against widows could be minimized and how their psychological and sociological effects would be reduced.Item Literacy and poverty alleviation among adolescent hawkers(2001-09) Folaranmi, F.; Ibikunle, Y.Item Issues and opinions in the understanding of the theoretical basis of peace education("Department of guidance and counselling university of Ibadan", 2002) Ajala, E. M.This paper discusses the understanding of issues and opinions relating to peace education in fostering the development of culture of peace wherein an individual, community will strive to maintain peace and resolve conflict in a non-violent way. The paper looks at guiding principles of educational policy on education for peace, five approaches to peace education, scope of peace education and objectives of peace education. The paper conclude by looking at gains that communities, work environments will gain in form of harmonious living and violence free conflict resolution strategies if peace education is fully implemented.Item Adult education, the core of the department(Ibadan University Press, 2002) Fadeyi, T. O.; Folaranmi, O. O.Item Evaluation of the activities of the juvenile court in the protection of abused and neglected students at the zonal social welfare agency in Ibadan, Nigeria(Department of Social Works, University of Ibadan, Ibadan., 2002) Folaranmi, O. O.This study was carried out to evaluate the activities of the juvenile court in the protection o f abused and neglected children at the Zonal Social Welfare Agency in Ibadan, Nigeria. The major objective of the study was to find out if the goals for the establishment of the court are being met. The target population for the study was mostly children who had suffered from one form of abuse or the other. Fifty people were used as sample for the study. The method of data collection was through questionnaire administered personally by the researcher. Oral interviews were also conducted for both staff and the respondents. The responses collected, are scored and analyzed using chi-square statistics. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made on how well and how best the government can discourage child abuse and neglect through workshops, seminars, radio and television programmes.Item Appraisal of public policy on conflict resolution for harmonious industrial relations practice in Nigeria(Department of Adult Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, 2002-12) Ajala, E. M.; Ughenekohwo, J. E.This paper examines policy on conflict resolution for harmonious industrial relations practice in a deregulated economy with reference to Nigeria. This deregulation of industrial relation in the public service sector stems from the civil service re-organization Decree (no. 43) of 1988. The policy regulation stipulates that the relevant trade unions should henceforth negotiate with each state and local governments over its terms and conditions of employment having in mind the government ability to “pay”. Unfortunately there is usually the problem of double standard on the part of government in the implementation of the policy. This double standard thus provides avenue for conflict (s) in the industrial relation systems. This is on the account that deregulation policy provides that, one industrial union at the federal, state and local government should negotiate separately on the same issues, the same government policy, having or-ganised the trade unions along industrial lines, had insisted that collective bargaining should be effected in the public sector through national joint industrial council. This contradiction in policy direction has made industrial environment. Our position in this paper is that much a deregulated industrial system is the best process for ensuring industrial harmony, government policy on this should be consistent. For example, the fixing of basic minimum wage at any level of public work should not be accommodated; otherwise, conflicts and other obstacles in industrial pace will continue to mar the peace of industrial relations practice in Nigeria. However, conflicts as a force of balance of power cannot be completely avoided, or eliminated. Hence, this paper provides strategies for nipping in bud contentious issues that may lead to conflict with regard to the administration of policy.Item School social work in Nigeria: providing support for students in difficult circumstances(Macmillan Publishers, 2003) Folaranmi, O. O.Item Peace education as a panacea for achieving goals of education for all (EFA) in Nigeria(Department of adult education, university of Ibadan, 2004) Ajala, M. E.This paper examines the role of peace education as a panacea for the attainment of the six goals of Education For All (EFA) by 2015. The paper looks at the goals of EFA, as stated at the Jomtien conference of 1990, in meeting basic learning needs, so as to develop self-reliance in meeting the complexity of societal changes. The presently applied strategies for achieving goals of EFA are not achieving much; there is the need to make progress towards the achievement of EFA by 2015. The introduction of the concept of peace education within the circumstances in which EFA is to operate is seen as a plausible solution to the problems confronting EFA. The paper sees the use of content of peace education and the development of skills and attitudes in peace education in providing good and conducive learning environment. Furthermore, peace education will foster the development of learners to live and work in dignity, participate in developmental programmes, valuing of all opinions and establishment of processes for compromise and negotiation. The paper concludes that education for peace will produce assertive citizens who will individually and collectively be committed to autonomy of thought and action, eradication of culture of violence and development of material base that are necessary for realizing the goals of EFA.Item Effectiveness of occupational health intervention programme on work place environmental risks and stress management among nurses in south-west Nigeria(2006) Ajala E. M.; Ojedokun, I. M."The nurse’s role has long been regarded as stress filled based on the physical labour human suffering, work hours, staffing and interpersonal relationships that are central to the work nurses do. Occupational stress is thus, a recognized problem among health care workers in general. Nursing has therefore been identified as an occupation that has high level of risks and stress in the work place environment. Therefore the study investigated the effects of occupational health intervention programme on environmental risks and stress management of staff nurses in South-west Nigeria. A pretest, posttest, control group, quasi-experimental research design was adopted. Two hundred and twenty five (225) respondents were selected for the study. One hundred and twelve (112) respondents were used as experimental group while one hundred and thirteen (113) respondents were used as control group. Fish bowl method was used for grouping the participants into experimental and control groups respectively. A self-developed questionnaire tagged ‘Occupational Health Intervention Programme, Environmental Risks and Stress Management Questionnaire OHIPERSMQ’ with a reliability coefficient of 0.88 was used. The experimentation lasted 8 weeks. Analysis was done using ANCOVA and Multiple Classification Analysis. Hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level. Findings revealed that occupational health intervention programme has significant effect on risk management knowledge of staff nurses. The experimental group had mean = 4.44, better than the control group that had mean = 2.92. Also, occupational health intervention programme had significant effect on stress management knowledge of nurses with experimental group mean = 7.78, better than the control group mean = 2.36. Based on these findings, it was recommended that medical social workers should ensure that nurses participate in educational training in skills associated with risk reduction, stress reduction and safety promotion so as to guarantee their wellbeing and good job performance."Item An evaluative study of the impact of intervention strategies of non- governmental organisations (NGOS) on social well-being, economic empowerment and health of the aged in Oyo state, Nigeria(2006) Ajala, E. M.; Olorunsaiye, D. A.The world is aging at an alarming rate and thge aged all over the world are facing a lot of health, social and economic problems. It is against this background that the present study examines the impact of NGO's intervention strategies on social well-being, economic empowerment and health well-being of the aged in Oyo State. The sample comprised 264 old people randomly drawn from four old people's home run fry non-governmental organizations. Four instruments were used: Intervention strategies of NGOs were measured fry sell constructed scale- "Intervention Strategies Scales of NGOs ", Social well-being was assessed by the adapted scale of "Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support" (MSPSS: Zimet et al., 1988); Economic empowerment of the aged was assessed by self constructed scale tagged, "Measurement of Economic Empowerment scale"; Health Well-being was measured by the adapted scale of "Personal Resource Questionnaire"( PRQ) 85 (Carol Roth 2003). Findings showed that NGO's intervention strategies (emotional, information and economic) predicted positively and significantly to the social welI-being (F = 191.7; P < 0.05); economic empowerment (F = 61. 774; p < 0.05) and health well-being (F = 94.601) of the aged. It was recommended that these strategies be sustained for the aged so as to produce aged that have longevity of life and yet remain productive both at the home front and within the community.Item The unknown burden of the girl-child and intervention programme designed to address this(2007) Folaranmi, O. O.This paper discussed the problem of the unknown and unexpected burden of the girl-child, and the intervention programme developed to address it. The burden comprises peoples of all ages (such as the elderly, adult, children); social and economic problem, such as pregnancy (wanted or unwanted, planned or unplanned), street hawking, child trafficking, illiteracy and poverty; and diseases (such as HIV/AIDS, STDs). The purpose of this paper is to create awareness, especially for policymakers, government functionaries and, most importantly, the girl-child, so that appropriate legislative actions are taken and so that the girl child can make informed decision about her sexuality. In the course of the discourse, experiences will be shared, to identify girls who have been 'trapped' in the cycle of 'the unknown burden'. Various research findings have confirmed the reality of this burden: hence, the recommendations include the replication of programmes in many public schools across Nigeria so as to compile baseline data.Item Challenges of peace Education model for effective industrial relations and workplace harmony(The faculty of education, university of Lagos., 2007) Ajala, E. M.Despite the statutory mechanisms set lip to settle industrial conflicts. the persistent reoccurrence calls for an alternative approach to solving them. It is against this background that this paper is proposing the use of Peace Education as an alternative approach to promoting industrial harmony at the workplace. The paper looked at the different notions of peace, causes of industrial conflict and the concept of peace education. 1t further posited that Peace Education consist of acquisition of certain knowledge, attitudes and skills to be used to scan the national and international environment in which the workplace is cited in order to prevent the internal and external sources of conflict. Two models on peace education were discussed. The system model so developed for the implementation of Peace Education at industrial level shows that work organizational environment and goals are no longer seen as a multitude of" separate objectives but as one indivisible, dynamic whole, whose parts are all inextricably interrelated. Furthermore, when the model is operationalized .both labour and management will no longer be at logger head but mutual partnersworking towards the survival of both parties.Item The impact of relationship management of peace education on labour-management relations and workers welfare in selected industries in Nigeria(Kamla-Raj enterprises, Delhi., 2007) Ajala, E. M.The study examines the impact of relationship management in peace education (independent variable) on labour-management relations and workers’ welfare (dependent variable) in industries. The study further examined the predictive effects of the independent variables on the dependent measure. The study is descriptive survey using 976 respondents randomly selected from eight industrial house unions. The main instrument used to collect data for the study was a set of questionnaire with 0.80 reliable coefficient. Multiple regression analysis was used as tool of analysis. The results indicated that taking the eleven variables that constitute relationship management to predict cordial labour-management relations in industries yielded a coefficient of multiple regression (R) of 0.879 and a multiple regression square ( R1) of 0.772. The result further indicated that all the individual independent variables would predict the dependent variable. In the light of these findings, it is suggested that the use of relationship management will promote a work environment where dialogue and values are explored and violence abhorred. It is further recommended that the introduction of relationship management in workers’ and management education will create a peaceful workplace culture and at the same time assist in reducing tension, strain, and stress thereby promoting workers’ welfare and productivity.Item Industrial social workers and the promotion of work-life balance of employees(2007) Ajala, E. M.Item Psycho-social factors influencing maladjustive behaviour among delinquent pupils in selected secondary schools in Ibadan(Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan., 2007-06) Folaranmi, O. O.The study examined the psycho-social factors influencing maladjustive behaviour among pupils in some secondary schools in Ibadan. A total of 180 senior secondary school pupils drawn from five secondary schools in Ibadan were used for the study. Questionnaires and archival records were used to obtain information the forces within and outside the individual that cause maladaptive behaviour. This was done with a view to suggesting therapeutic strategies which will help in reducing the rate of delinquents in the schools. Frequency, percentage and chi-square statistical methods were used to analyse the data. Four research questions were generated and tested for the study. The findings among others showed that there was significant relationship between psycho-social factors and maladjustive behaviour (X' = 15.62, df = 6, P<0.05). Recommendations made include organizing programmes targeted at families and specifically focusing on adolescents/school children on the need to be resilient in the face of risk and adversity. The findings showed that offences like stealing) truancy, drug abuse and thuggery and many others have been used to categorise pupils being maladjusted. Findings further indicate that pupils who commit the aforementioned offences have been influenced by either problems within them or in their immediate environment like family or school.Item Social work interventions in the psycho-social management of stress among industrial workers(Dept of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2008) Ajala, E. M.; Mojoyinola, J. K.The paper described the nature of stress and how it affects workers' health and job performance in industrial organizations. The paper pointed out that, stress can cause physical and mental illness in the workers and these can affect their performance at work negatively. It also discussed how social work interventions are helpful in the psycho-social management of stress among industrial workers. it is suggested in this paper that, the employers of labour should help in meeting the needs of workers adequately and should ensure that good interpersonal relationship exist between them and their employees to help them experience reduced symptoms of stress and anxiety that can cripple them at work.Item Parental socio-economic status, family structure and living environment as predictors of violence against children: empirical evidence from Benin city, Nigeria.(2008) Ajala, E. M.; Omorogiuwa, B. E. T.Violence against children is of concern to the world at large, as a lot of behavioural misnomers have been linked to the experience of children in their growing years. This study adopted a survey research design to investigate how parental socio-economic status, family structure and living environment act as predictors of violence against children; a multistage, random sampling procedure was used to select respondents for the study. Pupils from ten primary schools and six junior secondary schools were selected from Benin City. From each school twenty-five subjects were randomly selected making a total of 400 respondents. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaires tagged "violence against children scale, r=0.80”; "parental socio-economic status scale=0.78"; "family structure scale, r=0.72”; and "living environment scale, r=0.79". Data collected were analyzed using the linear regression procedure and three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that parental socio-economic status, family structure and living environment predicted violence against children. Based on the findings, it was recommended that family support services should be designed to educate parents on how to provide safe and stable family environment for children.Item Peace education: a harbinger for conducive workplace environment(Spectrum Books Limited, 2008) Ajala, E. M.Item Social work practice in Nigeria: an empowering tool for mass participation in basic education(The Nigerian National Council for Adult Education, 2008-06) Folaranmi, O. O.The paper presents social work in the presents arrangement with the aim of re-examining and rediscovering its purpose. This effort is being made to reposition social work in Nigeria so as to meet global standards, global challenges and best practices. Some definitions of social work are reviewed, highlighting major comparisons and contrasts. Core purpose and mission statements of social work in Nigeria are examined with particular reference to the Nigeria Association of Social Workers as the professional body, the academic/professional programme of the institution's training social workers and the welfare programme of federal, state and local government as the major employers of social workers in Nigeria. A brief historical survey of social welfare in pre-colonial period was done to enable us know where we were coming from, how we arrived at the present state and consequently prepare for future challenges in social work in Nigeria. This author, is observed that some African social values have been found dispensable in addressing modem social problems and the infusion of these values into the training of social workers in Nigerian cannot be overemphasized. Thereafter, the strengths and limitations of the values are examined with the hope of building on the strengths and diminishing the weaknesses. Finally, the author suggested some steps to be taken by both government and the appropriate bodies in the rediscovering process while preparing to face future challenges.