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Item Adult education, the core of the department(Ibadan University Press, 2002) Fadeyi, T. O.; Folaranmi, O. O.Item Anatomy of corrupt practices in Nigeria: implications on workers and the economy(Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, 2009) Ajala, E. M.Corruption though a universal phenomenon has some peculiarities associated with developing countries. Widespread corruption is a symptom of a poorly functioning state, and a poorly functioning state will invariably, lead to a low economic development and poor workers welfare. Within the context of a developing nation, the paper examines the social, cultural, political and economic factors that encourage corruption and corruptive practices in Nigeria. Since corruption breeds poverty, impoverishment of workers and the economy, the study investigates the detail by exploring the types of actions, conditions, structures and/or practices that are robustly related to corruption such as a democratic system that is corrupted by-special interest and selfish motives, no free press to expose corruption, weak accountability, lack of a vibrant anti-corruption agency, ill-prepared legal institution, no educated electorate to remove unethical leaders, etc. The role of occupational social workers in the education about the effect of corruption, emotional and psychic therapy of both the giver and receiver of bribe was looked at. The study extends the literature on corruption in several directions.Item Appraisal of public policy on conflict resolution for harmonious industrial relations practice in Nigeria(Department of Adult Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, 2002-12) Ajala, E. M.; Ughenekohwo, J. E.This paper examines policy on conflict resolution for harmonious industrial relations practice in a deregulated economy with reference to Nigeria. This deregulation of industrial relation in the public service sector stems from the civil service re-organization Decree (no. 43) of 1988. The policy regulation stipulates that the relevant trade unions should henceforth negotiate with each state and local governments over its terms and conditions of employment having in mind the government ability to “pay”. Unfortunately there is usually the problem of double standard on the part of government in the implementation of the policy. This double standard thus provides avenue for conflict (s) in the industrial relation systems. This is on the account that deregulation policy provides that, one industrial union at the federal, state and local government should negotiate separately on the same issues, the same government policy, having or-ganised the trade unions along industrial lines, had insisted that collective bargaining should be effected in the public sector through national joint industrial council. This contradiction in policy direction has made industrial environment. Our position in this paper is that much a deregulated industrial system is the best process for ensuring industrial harmony, government policy on this should be consistent. For example, the fixing of basic minimum wage at any level of public work should not be accommodated; otherwise, conflicts and other obstacles in industrial pace will continue to mar the peace of industrial relations practice in Nigeria. However, conflicts as a force of balance of power cannot be completely avoided, or eliminated. Hence, this paper provides strategies for nipping in bud contentious issues that may lead to conflict with regard to the administration of policy.Item Appraisal of Social Support Systems in Mitigation Of Stress Experience Among Relatives Of People Living With Mental Illness in Ibadan(2021) Afolabi, A.Mental illness is a global public health problem with Nigeria ranking high in the occurrences of depression and suicide. People with mental illness suffer stigma which extends to their families too by association. The relatives as a result face stress and less social support. There have been previous studies on mental illness experiences of patients and interventions were often directed to meeting unmet needs of the mentally ill with less focus on the social support given to the family of the mentally ill patients. Hence, this study examined the social support System to mitigate the stress of relatives of people living with mental illness. The study is cross-sectional and descriptive. A total of copies of questionnaires were distributed and retrieved from purposively selected relatives who are caregivers of patients with schizophrenia who attended the psychiatric unit of the Adeoyo State Hospital, Ring road, Ibadan. Data collected was analysed at univariate and bivariate levels using SPSS. The majority (56%) were males while most (20.3%, 61) of the respondents were in the age range of 50-59 years of age. The majority (59%) of the caregivers are children to the patients. Physical, emotional, psychological and physical stressors are experienced by the relatives and the sources are workplace, religious institutions, friends and community. The respondents experienced stigma in form of unfriendliness (85.8%), criticism (98%); difficulty in association (96%); desertion (87.7%) and non-involvement in social gatherings (86.7%). Family, government, non-governmental organisations provided support for the relatives of patients with mental illness. There is a significant relationship between respondents’ gender and their perceptions about social interactions with significant others. Relative of a family member living with mental illness experience burden due to all forms of stress incurred while taking care of their loved ones. The family also experienced stigmatisation as a result of their relationship with patients living with mental illness. They do not enjoy support from their family members but the government. Non-Governmental Organizations provide them with emotional, physical and informational supports. Government and other stakeholders should ensure that policies and programmes that are formulated and implemented are targeted at reducing stigma, burden and stress experienced by caregivers of patients with mental illness.Item Appraisal of traditional African social welfare practices. a review of things fall apart(Department of English, University of Ibadan, 2013) Folaranmi, O. O.; Omotayo, O. T.The paper briefly explains the concepts of African social welfare system and the present formal social welfare. It expounds on traditional charity and traditional means of meeting human needs in Africa before the coming of the Europeans. We examined the novel, "Things Fall Apart", to exemplify indigenous social welfare system. The study establishes the existence of well organised social welfare that pre-dates colonialism in traditional African society and the importance of the welfare system to individuals and the community in general. In addition, the paper gives an appraisal of mutual aids as described in the novel, relating it to the traditional African welfare system and its relevance and position in contemporary welfare system. The paper concludes that the concept of social welfare had been part of traditional African society before the advent of colonialism and calls for more research in order to identify notable African customs and practices as portrayed in African literature.Item Attainment of individual and organisational goals in industries: implications for occupational social worker (2009).(Gabesther Educational Publishers, 2009) Ajala, E. M.The proliferation of human service programmes and the emergence of the social work profession in the workplace soften the distraction between the world of work (aiming at production goals) and world of employees (individual employees and their families). The role of social work became clearer in industries and became centered on job-related problems, individual problems that require therapy, casework services and family issues. Social workers now counsel employees on a wide range of personal, family and social problems, present policy positions on community relations to corporate executives, mediate in disputes; develop and conduct stress management programmes and assist on issues of layoffs and retirement. The paper concludes that occupational social workers will continue, both now and in future, to balance the world of work with the world of the family for effective and efficient survival of both the employees and the employers.Item Benefits of employee assistance programmes in industrial organisations(His Lineage Publishing House, 2016) Ajala, E. M.Ensuring that employees work with their greatest potential to enhance productivity and efficiency are inhibited and restricted by physical and psychological problems. These problems come in the form of depression, sickness, disability, stress, burnout, absenteeism, and presenteeism. Work organisations can reduce or eliminate these problems through employees assistance programme (EAP). EAP typically provides screening, assessment, brief intervention, referrals to other services, and case managements with longitudinal follow up for these problems. This paper looked at the historical evolution of EAPs, functions of EAPs, the need for the establishment of EAPs in the workplace and the main types of EAPs which are classified based on the users, namely: individual, managerial/supervisory, organisational and administrative services. The paper also looked at the roles of EAPs to individual, managers and the organization. The paper established that EAP practitioners provide consulting services to managers and supervisors regarding employee performance and serve as behavioural consultants to corporate leaders when unexpected events occur. It helps employees to obtain help with problems that can/are affecting work, family and their well-being. Early uses of EAPs contributed to the prevention of serious problems for the individual employee, family and employer. Finally, positive organizational culture, improved morals, attraction of top talents, increased job commitment and increased job satisfaction are guaranteed when EAPs are efficiently and effectively utilised. It is recommended that the identification, integrating EAPs will enhance employees and workplace effectiveness in becoming vital tool for maintaining and improving worker health and productivity, retaining valued employees, and returning employees to work after illness or injuries. Furthermore, the establishment of EAPs will confer the following benefits to the organisation: productive employees, low rate of absenteeism, better job climates and organisational morale, less inter-group conflicts.Item Challenges of peace Education model for effective industrial relations and workplace harmony(The faculty of education, university of Lagos., 2007) Ajala, E. M.Despite the statutory mechanisms set lip to settle industrial conflicts. the persistent reoccurrence calls for an alternative approach to solving them. It is against this background that this paper is proposing the use of Peace Education as an alternative approach to promoting industrial harmony at the workplace. The paper looked at the different notions of peace, causes of industrial conflict and the concept of peace education. 1t further posited that Peace Education consist of acquisition of certain knowledge, attitudes and skills to be used to scan the national and international environment in which the workplace is cited in order to prevent the internal and external sources of conflict. Two models on peace education were discussed. The system model so developed for the implementation of Peace Education at industrial level shows that work organizational environment and goals are no longer seen as a multitude of" separate objectives but as one indivisible, dynamic whole, whose parts are all inextricably interrelated. Furthermore, when the model is operationalized .both labour and management will no longer be at logger head but mutual partnersworking towards the survival of both parties.Item Child detachment as a correlate of social well-being of orphaned children in Ibadan and Abeokuta, Nigeria(Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, 2015-05) Folaranmi, O. O.; Ogunkanmi, Z. O.This study investigated child detachment as a correlate of social well-being among orphaned children from selected orphanages in lbadan and Abeokuta. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. A total of 350 respondents were purposively selected from the four orphanages using purposive sampling technique. The study found that the support and care received by the respondents have positive significant effects on their physical well-being and self-esteem. The study also showed that there is high prevalence of paternal death and loss of bread winners in households which has economic implication on the lives of the children. The findings showed that institutional care has beneficial effect on the lives of orphaned children especially in the urban setting as against the rural setting where extended family is still functioning. The study made some recommendations which include staff development training for proprietors and workers in orphanages to provide family-like environment for orphans in their custody.Item Cooperative societies as sources of health insurance among members in Ibadan, Nigeria(2022) Fatoye, H. A.; Oyeleke, A. I.Cooperative societies are noted for addressing members ’ social and economic needs, but they are yet to channel their resources towards meeting members ’ health care needs. This study investigated the role of cooperative societies in accessing health care Services for poor urban members in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey was conducted among 480 members of cooperative societies in Ibadan metropolis using a semi-structured questionnaire and Key Informants Interviews consisting of three (3) presidents of the organization. Face validity was employed for the questionnaire and internal consistency reliability was determined. Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting respondents and participants for the study. Triangulation technique was adopted in which descriptive statistic was used to measure the perceived effectiveness of cooperative society in members ’ health care and thematic approach used to analyse the qualitative data. Result reveals that members of cooperatives are all interested and are looking forward to when health care scheme will be introduced to the` activities of cooperative society. It was concluded that cooperative societies can be utilised to enhance health condition of co- operators and necessary recommendations were madeItem Cross-cultural issues in Nigeria(Obafemi Awolowo University Press, Ile-Ife, Nigeria., 2018) Adeoti, A. B.Item Cross-cultural issues in Nigeria(Obafemi Awolowo University Press, Ile-Ife, Nigeria., 2018) Adeoti, A. B.Item Determinants and effects of street hawking among teenage girls in gate area of Ibadan(2019) Afolabi, A.The study investigated the causes and effect of Street hawking on teenage girls in Gate area, Ibadan. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design while simple random sampling technique was used to select 50 hawkers for the study. The instrument employed was a questionnaire which was tested to be valid and reliable. The research questions were answered using frequency, percentages and mean. The study revealed that the causes of Street hawking among teenage girls in Gate, Ibadan include inadequate family income (Mean = 2.98), unemployment of parents (Mean = 2.52), to support family (Mean = 3.10) and to make money for self (Mean = 2.78). Also, it was found that the effects of Street hawking on teenage girls in gate, Ibadan include the following: 1 sometimes feel unhappy because I am hawking (Mean = 3.04), I have incurred injuries in the course of hawking (Mean = 2.64), I have experienced physical violence while hawking (Mean = 2.82), I have been sexually harassed in the course of hawking (Mean = 2.70) and Some of my colleagues have offered me alcohol to drink while hawking (Mean = 2.66). The study concluded that Street hawking among teenage girls should of importance be stopped. The factors causing Street hawking are to be improved upon so as to prevent the negative consequences of Street hawking among teenage girls. It was therefore, recommended that government should enlighten the general public on the negative effects of Street hawking by teenagers. Also, government should provide programmes that will increase household income of parentsItem Drug Compliance and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Patients with Mental Illness in Ibadan(Department of Social Work, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2022) Afolabi, A.The study looked at medicine adherence and psychosocial well-being in patients with mental illnesses at Adeoyo State Hospital. Ring Road, Ibadan. A descriptive survey design was used in the investigation. One hundred and twenty (120) people with mental illnesses who visit Adeoyo State Hospital. Ring Road. Ibadan. Were purposefully chosen. For data gathering, a customised questionnaire was employed. Data for demographic parameters were analysed using percentage distribution and frequency counts, and Pearson Product Moment Correlational Analysis (PPMC) was used to test hypotheses at p = 0.05. The study found a strong link between medication compliance and psychological well-being in mentally ill individuals (r=,275. n=!20, p (.002).05). It was also shown that there was a substantial association between medication compliance and respondents' social well-being (r=.327, n=l20, p (.001).05). Il was recommended that patients with mental illnesses be monitored lo ensure drug compliance. Medical social workers are needed to educate the general population and society about the consequences of drug noncompliance.Item Economic status, family size and educational status of the child as determinants of child labour in Ondo State, Nigeria(The Department of Teaching Education University of Ibadan, 2010) Ajala, E. M.The study investigated the correlations among economic status, family size and the educational status of the child and child labour in Ondo state, Nigeria. Three hundred and ninety-two working children, whose ages range between 9-14 years and working across various industries (hawking, apprenticeship, 'household servants and farming) were randomly selected from three local government areas that reflect urban, semi-urban and rural settings. A guided questionnaire titled "Economic status, Family size, Educational status and Child labour" with five sections, each section measuring an aspect of the dependent and independent variables, was the main instrument used in collecting data. Findings showed that all the independent variables have relative contribution to child labour in term of their magnitude thus: economic status, β=.266, t=4.903, p < 0,05; educational status, β =.201, t=4.043, p < 0.05; family size, β =,210, t=3.652, p < 0.05. It is recommended that the advocacy role of industrial social worker in the establishment of good welfare policies, correct pricing of labour, free and compulsory education will reduce child labour yet adequate labour working force will be guaranteed in the workplace.Item Effect of alcohol abuse on psycho-social well-being among young adolescents at Beere/Oja Oba Area, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria(Department of Special Education, University of Ibadan, 2021-07) Adeoti, A. B.Alcoholic abuse has negative effect on young adolescents social and psychological well-being. The study examined the effect of alcohol abuse on psychosocial well-being of young adolescents who reside in Beere/Oja-Oba, Ibadan South East Local Government Area of Oyo State. The descriptive research design was used for the study while purposive sampling technique was employed to select one hundred and twenty (120) respondents. (Pearson product moment correlation, Multiple regression and chi-square were used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that there was no significant relationship between alcohol abuse/consumption and psychological wellbeing of young adolescents; there was no significant connection between alcohol abuse and social well-being among young adolescents; and that there was no significant consequence of alcohol abuse on interpersonal relationship of young adolescents. The study, therefore, recommended that key factors such as inculcating the idea of guidance counselor for young adolescents should make use of their time wisely and drink responsibly if they must drink and that any adolescent below eighteen years should not be allowed access to alcohol.Item Effect of alcohol abuse on psycho-social well-being among young adolescents at Beere/Oja Oba Area, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria(Department of Special Education, University of Ibadan, 2021-07) Adeoti, A. B.Alcoholic abuse has negative effect on young adolescents social and psychological well-being. The study examined the effect of alcohol abuse on psychosocial well-being of young adolescents who reside in Beere/Oja-Oba, Ibadan South East Local Government Area of Oyo State. The descriptive research design was used for the study while purposive sampling technique was employed to select one hundred and twenty (120) respondents. (Pearson product moment correlation, Multiple regression and chi-square were used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that there was no significant relationship between alcohol abuse/consumption and psychological wellbeing of young adolescents; there was no significant connection between alcohol abuse and social well-being among young adolescents; and that there was no significant consequence of alcohol abuse on interpersonal relationship of young adolescents. The study, therefore, recommended that key factors such as inculcating the idea of guidance counselor for young adolescents should make use of their time wisely and drink responsibly if they must drink and that any adolescent below eighteen years should not be allowed access to alcohol.Item Effectiveness of after-care-services in the reintegration and supply of labour after incarceration in the prisons: Lagos and Oyo states prison command experience(Indexed African Journals Online (AJOL), 2011) Ajala, E. M; Oguntuase, A. E.Offenders released from correctional institutions are confronted by social, economic and personal challenges that tend to become obstacles to a crime-free lifestyle. Some of these challenges are as a result of the consequences of incarceration and the difficulty of transiting back into the community. It is along this background that this study investigated the effectiveness of After- Care service in the rehabilitation and supply of labour into the economy by ex-offenders in Oyo and Lagos state commands of the Nigerian prison service. The research adopted the descriptive survey research design. A purposive random sampling method was used to select 450 respondents. The main instrument used for the study is a sigle questionnaire with five subsections, each sub section serving as an independent instrument. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Findings showed that space acquisition and supervision programmes had effect on reintegration and supply of labour into the workplace (F= 76.565; p< 0.05and F=29.630; p< 0.05 respectively), while provision of tools programme does not have significantly effect on reintegration and supply of labour by ex-offender (F= 1.135; p>0.05).It was recommended that the combination of the treatments will solve the problem of recidivism when applied jointly on individual ex-offenders.Item Effectiveness of occupational health intervention programme on work place environmental risks and stress management among nurses in south-west Nigeria(2006) Ajala E. M.; Ojedokun, I. M."The nurse’s role has long been regarded as stress filled based on the physical labour human suffering, work hours, staffing and interpersonal relationships that are central to the work nurses do. Occupational stress is thus, a recognized problem among health care workers in general. Nursing has therefore been identified as an occupation that has high level of risks and stress in the work place environment. Therefore the study investigated the effects of occupational health intervention programme on environmental risks and stress management of staff nurses in South-west Nigeria. A pretest, posttest, control group, quasi-experimental research design was adopted. Two hundred and twenty five (225) respondents were selected for the study. One hundred and twelve (112) respondents were used as experimental group while one hundred and thirteen (113) respondents were used as control group. Fish bowl method was used for grouping the participants into experimental and control groups respectively. A self-developed questionnaire tagged ‘Occupational Health Intervention Programme, Environmental Risks and Stress Management Questionnaire OHIPERSMQ’ with a reliability coefficient of 0.88 was used. The experimentation lasted 8 weeks. Analysis was done using ANCOVA and Multiple Classification Analysis. Hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level. Findings revealed that occupational health intervention programme has significant effect on risk management knowledge of staff nurses. The experimental group had mean = 4.44, better than the control group that had mean = 2.92. Also, occupational health intervention programme had significant effect on stress management knowledge of nurses with experimental group mean = 7.78, better than the control group mean = 2.36. Based on these findings, it was recommended that medical social workers should ensure that nurses participate in educational training in skills associated with risk reduction, stress reduction and safety promotion so as to guarantee their wellbeing and good job performance."Item Effectiveness of social work interventions in reducing deviant behaviour among secondary school students in Ibarapa Central Local Government, Igbo-Ora, Oyo State(2014-05) Folaranmi, O. O.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention of school social work as a measure to be used in managing deviant behaviour among students in secondary schools. The study examined the type and most frequent deviant behaviours displayed by the students; and how deviant behaviour could be managed through social work intervention. The study employed descriptive survey method. An instrument, 'Deviant Behaviour and the Intervention of Social Workers Questionnaire' (DBISWQ) with r = 0.89 was used to collect data for the study. The population comprised all secondary schools students in Ibarapa Central Local Governments Area, Oyo State who have been referred to the School Guidance Counsellors for one problem or another. Three hundred respondents were randomly selected from five schools. Data collected were analysed using Analysis of Variance. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed significant corrective effect of school social work intervention on the reduction of deviant behaviour among the students. Based on the findings, it was concluded that deviant behaviour could be reduced significantly by the intervention of school social workers. It was then recommended that school social workers should collaborate with Guidance Counsellors and be incorporated into school management personnel. Government should also establish the position of school social workers and reflect this in the National Policy on Education.