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Item Strategies for preventing social breakdown in schools(Department of Social Works, University of Ibadan, Ibadan., 1998-09) Folaranmi, F.An attempt has been made in this paper to present a model on the process of social breakdown. The model, developed by Robinson (1978) describes the gradual process of breakdown in social functioning in relation to individuals, families and schools and pays particular attention to the parts various agents of social control play in the prevention of social breakdown. Strategies developed by experts which are directed at individuals, professionals and the government for the prevention of social breakdown are recommended. Thereafter, the strengths and limitations of the strategies are discussed and a conclusion is reached that urgent social work intervention in the schools will help a great deal in preventing social breakdown in schools.Item The social context of adult education and development(Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd. Ibadan, 2001) Ojesina J. O., .Folaranmi, F.; Adegoke, T. G.Item Psycho-social dimensions of discriminatory widowhood rites and practices in South-Western Nigeria(Department of Social Works, University of Ibadan, Ibadan., 2001-06) Folaranmi, O. O.; Adegoke, T. G.Women, who find themselves single after marriage, whether through death of a husband or through divorce, learn that being the head of a household brings with it a set of special problems, the greatest being emotional. Even in a bad marriage, the survivor feels the loss. The concept of widowhood and widow's rites are examined as it is practised in South Western Nigeria. Apart from works already documented in the literature on psychosocial implications of widowhood practices, examples abound in our society which confirm the fact that there are indeed some discriminatory practices which have a lot of psychological and sociological implications on widows in South Western Nigeria. There is no doubt that these unhealthy attitudes do have some psychological and sociological implications on the individual in general. This paper, therefore, explains the various psychological and sociological implications, and offer recommendations on how the discriminatory practices against widows could be minimized and how their psychological and sociological effects would be reduced.Item Literacy and poverty alleviation among adolescent hawkers(2001-09) Folaranmi, F.; Ibikunle, Y.Item Adult education, the core of the department(Ibadan University Press, 2002) Fadeyi, T. O.; Folaranmo, O. O.Item Evaluation of the activities of the juvenile court in the protection of abused and neglected students at the zonal social welfare agency in Ibadan, Nigeria(Department of Social Works, University of Ibadan, Ibadan., 2002) Folaranmi, O. O.This study was carried out to evaluate the activities of the juvenile court in the protection o f abused and neglected children at the Zonal Social Welfare Agency in Ibadan, Nigeria. The major objective of the study was to find out if the goals for the establishment of the court are being met. The target population for the study was mostly children who had suffered from one form of abuse or the other. Fifty people were used as sample for the study. The method of data collection was through questionnaire administered personally by the researcher. Oral interviews were also conducted for both staff and the respondents. The responses collected, are scored and analyzed using chi-square statistics. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made on how well and how best the government can discourage child abuse and neglect through workshops, seminars, radio and television programmes.Item School social work in Nigeria: providing support for students in difficult circumstances(Macmillan Publishers, 2003) Folaranmi, O. O.Item The spirit child(Spectrum Books Limited, Ibadan, 2005) Sanusi, R.Item Item La langue d'Ahmadou Kourouma dans Allah n'est pas oblige et quand on refuse on dit non ou la decentralisation du francais dit academique(Department of European Studies, University of Ibadan, 2007) Sanusi, R.Dans Allah n'est pas oblige et Quand on refuse on dit non, Kourouma degrade le franpais dit academique et embrasse une langue injurieuse pour peindre la scene de la guerre en exposant avec amertume la malediction postcoloniale en Afrique. Le present article met en relief le style de kourouma dans ses demieres oeuvres ou l'auteur ivoirien fait une violation fragrante des regies du franpais dit academique. De meme, Kourouma se revele comme un ecrivain paradoxal etant donne que le franpais petit negre cohabite avec le franpais standard parle par Fanta dans Ouand on refuse on dit non. L'article se termine sur un ton polemique : le franpais standard restera-t-il a jamais un legs colonial dans cette Afrique en metamorphose ou 1'ancien colonise se forge une nouvelle identite sur le plan langagier ?Item Item Contre vents et marées, je mène ma barque entretien avec regina yaou(2007) Sanusi, R.Item The unknown burden of the girl-child and intervention programme designed to address this(2007) Folaranmi, O. O.This paper discussed the problem of the unknown and unexpected burden of the girl-child, and the intervention programme developed to address it. The burden comprises peoples of all ages (such as the elderly, adult, children); social and economic problem, such as pregnancy (wanted or unwanted, planned or unplanned), street hawking, child trafficking, illiteracy and poverty; and diseases (such as HIV/AIDS, STDs). The purpose of this paper is to create awareness, especially for policymakers, government functionaries and, most importantly, the girl-child, so that appropriate legislative actions are taken and so that the girl child can make informed decision about her sexuality. In the course of the discourse, experiences will be shared, to identify girls who have been 'trapped' in the cycle of 'the unknown burden'. Various research findings have confirmed the reality of this burden: hence, the recommendations include the replication of programmes in many public schools across Nigeria so as to compile baseline data.Item Madness and free association in Evelyne Mpoudi Ngolle's Sous la cendre le feu(Department of European Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007) Olayinka, E. B.Psychoanalytic insight facilitates the analysis of works of art through which literary analysts are able to access the psyche of authors and their character. (M.M. Schwartz and D. Willbern:1982). One of such psychoanalytic device is free association. Free association technique applied during psychotherapy sessions provides a royal road into a psyche of humans as can be observed in Mina’s case in Mpoudi Ngolle’s Sous la cendre le feu. This paper concludes that repression of negative and unpleasant experiences lived within patriarchal limitations as promoted by African male hegemonic traditions, subjects women-victim of oppression to anxiety disorder which may occur in the form of depression, schizophrenia, obsessive disorder, depersonalization, derealisation among others. It seems natural to think about literature in terms of dreams. Like dreams, literary works are fictions, inventions of the mind that, although based on reality, are by definition not literary true. Like a literary work, a dream may have some truth to tell, but, like a literary work can be grasped. (R.C. Murfin, (internet article: accessed 30 May, 2011: 502)Item Lecture réaliste magique dans cent ans de solitude de Gabriel Garcia Marquez(Department of European Studies University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007-04) Iyiola, A.Plusieurs critiques littéraires des pays postcoloniaux, dont Flores, Slemon et Geoff Hancock, ont noté le rapport entre le roman réaliste magique et une attitude postcoloniale vis-à-vis de l'Histoire. Dans un roman réaliste magique, selon Carpentier et ses nombreux disciples, on voit le portrait d'une collectivité de la classe paysanne qui vit à une époque pré-technologique, qui a beaucoup de traditions orales et qui accèpte que la réalité soit plus bizarre que la fiction. Cet article a pour objectif de voir les éléments du réalisme magique dans Cent ans de Solitude de Gabriel Garcia Marquez.Item From moukoury, bâ and rawiri: where are the essential husbands?(2008) Sanusi, R.The entrance of Francophone African women writers into African literary field marks a new era. Kuoh Moukoury’s Rencontres essentielles (1969) considered a ground breaking piece received applause in academic circle when it was published. This paper focuses on the mutation of initially loving and caring husbands of female personae of Kuoh Moukoury, Ba and Rawiri’s novels. The following question is central to this article: “Why did the husbands of the female protagonists of the selected texts turned into unfaithful husbands and why are these women treated as ‘non-being’ like Medea in Euripides," and "What led to the metamorphosis of especially female characters in Ba and Rawiri’s works?” Antonio Gramsci’s theory on subalternity is adopted to analyze the texts and to see the evolution of the female protagonists who engage in struggle to destroy cultural and patriarchal ethos that enslave them.Item Language and social reality in Mongo Beti's trop de soleil tue l'amour and branle-bas en noir et blanc(Department of Foreign Languages, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria, 2009) Sanusi, R.Mongo Beti occupies a central place in African literary field. His novels are often marked with a revolutionary cachet for political and social situations around him dictate the tone of his writings. This article examines the language and social reality in Mongo Bed's Trop de soleil tue I’amour (1999) and Branle-bas en noir et blanc (2000). In a humorous, ironic and satiric style coloured with an African French, the author openly decries the bitter realities of the social, political and economic situations in Cameroon and concludes by warning the leaders about the dangers awaiting the country should they fail to listen to the voices of minority.Item Mongo beti, le PCB : symbolique du temps et de l’espace(2009) Sanusi, R.Item The oppressor is oppressed and in a pathological state too: Calixthe Beyala and Bauchi Emecheta's male characters(Department of European Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2010) Olayinka, E. B.Item Le bistouri des larmes(2010) Sanusi, R.