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Item Item Adult education, the core of the department(Ibadan University Press, 2002) Fadeyi, T. O.; Folaranmo, O. O.Item African feminism/western feminism: contradictory or complementary(2010) Sanusi, R.The term feminism is very complex to define as Chandra Mohanty admits in her introduction to Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism. This essay looks at the heated debate often generated by discourse on African and Western feminisms and concludes that even though there are differences between them as a result of their cultural and socio-contexts, they can still borrow a lot from each other.Item Analyse comparee des phrases complexes en francis et en yoruba: une approche generative transformationnelle(Department of French, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, 2019-11) Iyiola, A. D.Généralement, la langue est un moyen de communication alors que la syntaxe est l'étude des structures grammaticales des langues Les travaux antérieurs ont examiné l'analyse comparée des phrases simples et impersonnelles en francais et en yoruba d’après l'approche générative transformationnelle sans prèter attention à la comparaison des phrases complexes en Francis et en yoruba en se servant de la grammaire générative transformationnelle Chomskyenne. Donc, cet article tente de comparer les phrases complexes en frangais et en yoruba afm de bien fortifier les yorubaphones apprenant le frangais en tant que langue étrangère au niveau syntaxique. L'analyse des données est basée sur les quatre formes de la transformation Chomskyenne notamment la transformation de suppression ; la transformation de l'insertion ; la transformation de substitution et la transformation de mouvement de la grammaire générative transformationnelle de Noam Chomsky. L'étude a révélé que les phrases dans les deux langues ont presque la mème structure sauf une petite différence dans la position de certains éléments linguistiques tels que l'adverbe et l'adjectif en yoruba qui remplacent surtout la fonction de l'article en frangais. Aussi, l'étude a montré que les phrases complexes dans les deux langues ont presque les mémes structures.Item Analyse comparee des phrases simples et impersonnelles en français et en yoruba : une approche generative transformationnelle(2020-03) Iyiola, A.Généralement, la langue est un moyen de communication alors que la syntaxe est l’étude des structures grammaticales des langues Les travaux antérieurs ont examiné l’analyse contrastive et comparée des discours grammaticaux sans prêter attention à la comparaison des phrases en français et en yoruba en se servant de la grammaire générative transformationnelle de Chomsky. Donc, cet article tente à comparer les phrases simples et impersonnelles en français et en yoruba afin de bien fortifier les yorubaphones apprenant le français en tant que langue étrangère au niveau syntaxique. L’analyse des données est basée sur les quatre formes de la transformation Chomskyenne notamment la transformation de suppression; la transformation de l’insertion ; la transformation de substitution et la transformation de mouvement de la grammaire générative transformationnelle de Noam Chomsky. L’étude a révélé que les phrases dans les deux langues ont presque la même structure sauf une petite différence dans la position de certains éléments linguistiques tels que l’adverbe et l’adjectif en Yoruba qui remplacent surtout la fonction de l’article en Français. Aussi, l’étude a montré que les phrases impersonnelles dans les deux langues ont les mêmes structures.Item Analyse contrastive des adjectifs francais et yoruba(2017-11) Iyiola, A. D.La langue est un systèrne qui constitué de signes vocaux, gestuels et graphiques utilisés par ìes membres dime société donnée. Eìle seri à la fois de moyen de communication et d‘Identification ou d’appartenance au sein de la société. Chaque langue possedè des traits caractéristiques qui lui sont spécifìques au niveau de la phonétique, du lexique, de la morphologie, de la syntaxe, etc. qui permettent de la décrirc et de la différencier des autres langues. Pour tonte personne qui apprend une langue seconde ou étrangère, le contact uvee la nouvelle langue est souvent caractérisé par des phénomènes d’interférences diverses. C’est pour cette raison, qu'on n'a pu constater que la plupart des apprenants nigérians (yorubaphones) qui apprennent le franqais, ont des diffwultés en ce qui concerne l ’identification. la formation et l ’utilisation des adjectifs franqaiy L ’objet de cet article est d ’attirer l ’attention des linguistes, enseignants et apprenants sur les points de convergences et de divergences entre les deux langues ainsi que les phénomènes qui peuvent faciliter la compréhension et l’utilisation des adjectifs franqais par les apprenants non-francophones dont la langue ma temei le est le yorubaItem Analyse contrastive des pronoms francais et anglais(Department of European Studies, University ot Ibadan Ibadan, Nigeria, 2016) Iyiola, A. D.La langue est généralement définie comme un système qui constitue de signes vocaux, gestuels et / ou graphiques utilisés par les membres d’une société donnée. Elle sert à la fois de moyen de communication et d’identification ou d’appartenance au sein de la société. Chaque langue possède des traits caractéristiques qui lui sont spécifiques au niveau de la phonétique, du lexique, de la morphologie, de la syntaxe, etc. qui permettent de la décrire et de la différencier des autres langues. Pour toute personne qui apprend une langue seconde ou étrangère, le contact avec la nouvelle langue est souvent caractérisé par des phénomènes d’interférences diverses. C’est pour cette raison, qu’on n’a pu constater que la plupart des apprenants nigérians(anglophones) qui apprennent le franfais, ont des difficultés en ce qui concerne 1 Identification, la formation et l’utilisation des pronoms fran?ais. L’objet de cet article est d’attirer l’attention des Iinguistes, enseignants et apprenants sur les points de convergences et de divergences entre les deux langues ainsi que les phénomènes qui peuvent faciliter la compréhension et l’utilisation des pronoms framjais par les apprenants anglophones dont la langue officielle est l’anglaisItem Analyse des competences syntaxiques des apprenants de francais a l’universite d’lbadan, Nigeria(Department of Foreign Laguages, Faculty of Arts, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria, 2017-11) Iyiola, A. D.La competence linguistique est 1’ensemble des connaissances, des habiletes et des dispositions langagieres qui s’occupent de composantes a communiquer. Les travaux anterieurs ont examine la competence phonologique et syntaxique et ainsi de suite sans preter assez d’attention a la competence syntaxique des apprenants de franqais surtout a l’universite d’lbadan. Cet article, done a tente a examiner la competence syntaxique des apprenants de franqais a l’universite d’lbadan au Nigeria pour evaluer leur competence au niveau de la concordance, la conjugaison et la ponctuation et pour suggerer des recommandations afin d’ameliorer leur competence aux niveaux mentionnes. Le recueil des dennees a ete fait a travers des phrases anglaises traduites en franqais par des apprenants de franqais a l’Universite d’lbadan tandis que la theorie de l’analyse des erreurs de Corder a ete utilisees pour analyser les erreurs commisses par les apprenants. L’etude a revele les erreurs telles qu’omission, insertion, l’erreur de conjugaison et de concordance. Quelques recommandations ont ete suggerees pour ameliorer la competence syntaxique des apprenants.Item Appel des communications ou arenes: etude du realisme magique dans uappel des Arenes d’Aminata sow fall(Publication of the Department of European Studies, University of Ibadan, 2010) Sangotade, A. D.Item Auto-segmental analysis of consonant deletion in thè spoken french of ijebu undergraduate french learners in selected universities in south sest of Nigeria(2015) Iyiola, A. D.In communication, each spoken word is created out of thè phonetic combination of a limited set of vowel and consonant speech sound units. Deletion, which involves loss of segment involving vowel and consonants, is a common phonological process in language. Existing studies have examined deletion in several languages and dialects with less attentionpaid to thè spoken French of Ijebu Undergraduates. This article, therefore, examined consonant deletion in thè spoken French of forty-four Ijebu Undergraduate French Learners (IUFLs) in Selected Universities in South West of Nigeria, with a view to establishing thè dominance of consonant deletion in thè spoken French of IUFLs. The data collection was through tape-recording of participants' production of 30 sentences containing both French vowel and consonant sounds, while Goldsmith's Auto-segmental theory of phonology (1990) was used to analyse instances of consonant deletion by thè IUFLs. The results revealed inappropriate consonant deletion in thè initial, mediai and final positions in thè French speech communication of IUFLs.Item Autosegmental representation of epenthesis in the spoken french of ijebu undergraduate french learners in selected universities in south-west of Nigeria(2015-09) Iyiola, A. D.Insertion of vowels and consonants is a phonological process in language. Existing studies have examined vowel insertion in several languages and dialects with little attention paid to the spoken French of Ijebu Undergraduates. Therefore, this paper examined vowel insertion in the spoken French of 50 Ijebu Undergraduate French Learners (IUFLs) in Selected Universities in South West of Nigeria. The data collection for this study was through tape-recording of participants’ production of 30 sentences containing both French vowel and consonant sounds while Goldsmith’s Autosegmental phonology blended with distinctive feature theory was used to analyse instances of insertion in the data collected such as i-epenthetic and u-epenthetic at the initial, medial and final positions in the spoken French of IUFLs.Item Blind devotion, violence and trauma in the works of Ka Maïga, Bassek and Mpoudi-Ngollé(2012) Sanusi, R.; Olayinka, W.African women, for too long, have been made to exist in the shadow of African men. Their subordination to men has been mostly achieved by the enactment of societal laws in pre-colonial, colonial and neocolonial African settings which categorize them women) as the ‘other’. The consequence of this subjugation is women’s dependence on / and blind acceptance of their inferiority to men. To change the status quo, African feminist writers and critics alike have raised awareness in women about the obduracy of oppressive tendencies of some African cultural mores. These cultural athos / practices are those that spring from essentially controlling woman's body that practically translate into controlling her mind in order to make her believe the myth that she is inferior to her male counterpart. The reification of the female body invariably leads to African women’s blind devotion to their husbands, children and most often, the extended family. Besides women are also victims of male violence and trauma as evidenced in the works of Philomene Bassek, Aminata Ka MaYga and Evelyne Mpoudi Ngolle.Item Blind devotion, violence and trauma in the works of Ka Maiga, Bassek and Mpoudi-Ngolle(The Linguistics Association, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 2012) Sanusi, R.; Olayinka, E. B.Item Code-switching, code-mixing and code-conflicting in abeni by Tunde Kelani(2020) Iyiola, A. D.Code-mixing is referred to as the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech while code-switching is the practice of alternating between two or more languages or varieties of language in conversation. Previous works have examined code-switching and code-mixing with little attention paid to code-switching and codemixing of Yoruba and French in the film titled Abeni (Part 1 & 2), a Yoruba-French home video produced and directed by Tunde Kelani of Mainframe Productions in Nigeria in 2006. This article, therefore examines code-Switching, code-Mixing and code-conflicting in Abeni (Part 1 & 2) with a view to establishing the codeswitching and code-mixing in French and Yoruba languages. This movie is worth studying not just because it is a Yoruba–Beninese film but it also has its settings in Yoruba region of Nigeria and Cotonou, a francophone domain of Republic of Benin, a francophone setting. Data were gathered from dialogues in Part 1 and 2 of Abeni. Results show deployment of switching and mixing of Yoruba and French codes by the characters in the movie. Also, the study added the concepts of code-conflicting and gesticulation as solutions to conflict, switching and mixing of codes.Item Comprendre la litterature afri caine d’expression franqaise (sud du Sahara)(Graduke Publishers, Ibadan, 2011) Sanusi, R.; Tijani, M.Item Comprendre la litterature antillaise d’expression francaise: extraits suivis d’exercices de comprehension et de production ecrite and orale(Graduke Publishers, Ibadan, 2011) Sanusi, R.; Tijani, M.Item Contre vents et marées, je mène ma barque entretien avec regina yaou(2007) Sanusi, R.Item Corps feminin, corps saccage, corps mutile: la vie sans fard de la femme opprimee dans Je suis nee au harem de Choga Regina Egbeme(Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2016) Olayinka, E. B.The theory of objectification of female body highlights the question of the subjugation of woman. This phenomenon causes a virulent violence done to women by men, reducing the former to her body without regard for her personality and integrity. For decades, feminists oppose this challenge of making the woman an object of sexual desire and re / production . Choga Regina Egbeme’s Je uis nee au harem ( I was born in harem) highlights the appalling damage that men do to women and raises the principle of the oppression of women in a notoriously hegemonic society. The experience of papa David’s wives and daughters throughout the autobiographic narrative is the testimony of many African women. Following her forced marriage to a downright aggressive man, who raped her, and consequently infected with HIV by him and the baby resulted from the rape, Choga, the eponymous protagonist of the novel, secretly fled the prison home where she lives with her co-wives to help children and women who fall victims of this scourge. This article is based on a purely autobiographical novel which bitterly denounces the subjugation of the African woman caught in an ethos gearing, of diseases and even thorny traditions. Despite years of anti-hegemonic feminist campaigns that emphasises revalorisation of the female body, it is found that the female body remains a political site of patriarchal force.Item Deletion and elision in the spoken french of english-french bilinguals in the university of Ibadan, Nigeria(2020) Iyiola, A. D.Deletion, which involves loss of segment involving vowels and consonants, is a common phonological process in language. Existing studies have examined deletion in several languages and dialects with less attention paid to the spoken French of English-French Bilinguals in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. This article therefore examined deletion as a dominant feature in the spoken French of forty-four English-French Bilinguals in the University of Ibadan in Oyo State, South West of Nigeria with a view to establishing the dominance of deletion in the spoken French of the selected participants and how the English-French bilinguals approximate to the Standard French (SF). The data collection was through tape-recording of participants’ production of 30 sentences containing both French vowel and consonant sounds. The results revealed inappropriate deletion of vowel and consonant in the medial and final positions in their spoken French.Item Denasalisation in the spoken french of ijebu undergraduate french learners in selected universities in south west of Nigeria(2018-07) Iyiola, A. D.Denasalisation is a lexical phenomenon brought into play during the process of lexicalisation while nasalisation is a natural process which occurs when an oral sound is modified in the environment of an adjacent nasal sound. Little attention is paid to the former because phonologists admit that nasalisation is more natural during speech production. This paper, therefore, examined denasalisation in the spoken French of 50 Ijebu Undergraduate French Learners (IUFLs) in Selected Universities in South West of Nigeria with a view to establishing instances of denasalisation in their spoken French. Data collection for this study was through tape-recording of participants’ production of 30 sentences containing French vowel and consonant sounds. Goldsmith’s Autosegmental phonology blended with distinctive feature theory was used to analyse instances of denasalisation in the data collected. The study revealed instances of denasalisation of nasal sounds at initial and final positions in the spoken French of the IUFLs.