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    Haemogram and hormonal profile of WAD buck treated with leaf ethanol extract of spondias mombin
    (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto-Nigeria, 2017) Oloye, A. A.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Oyeyemi, M. O.
    Twelve post pubertal West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks of average age of 1.8 ± 0.19 years and average weight of 8.76 ± 0.72 kg were experimentally treated orally with 800mg/kgBW of ethanol extract of Spondias mombin. Experiment was carried out in the month of August at Abeokuta, South West Nigeria with temperature range of 24oC and 33oC on Latitude 07o 10’N and Longitude 03o 2’E. The goats had well-formed pendulous scrotum with well descended free bilateral testicles. The goats were kept in a standard goat pen and fed with fresh green centrosema leaves in the morning and commercially prepared ration in the evening. Water was served ad libitum. Pre-treatment haematological and hormonal profiling after aseptical collection of blood from the bucks was followed with 14 days of oral treatment with ethanol extract of Spondias mombin at the dosage rate of 800mg/kg BW. Post-treatment haematological and hormonal studies followed after. The hormones assayed were follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH), testosterone, progesterone, estrogen and prolactin. The haemogram revealed significantly (p < 0.05) higher PCV (24.33±0.6 %) in pre-treatment compared to 19.92± 1.1 % recorded for post-treatment. However, both were lower in values than normal range. WBC and RBC did not change significantly but while RBC values for pre-treatment and post-treatment fell within normal range, only the WBC value of post-treatment did. Assay of FSH, progesterone, estrogen and prolactin revealed no significant (p . 0.05) difference between pre-treatment and post-treatment; however, noticeable higher pre-treatment LH concentration and elevated post-treatment testosterone concentration were observed. The work showed that Spondias mombin at 800mg/kgBW has profertility tendencies in the buck and can be considered as an aphrodisiac in goat breeding in developing countries probably at a higher dosage.
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    Spermiogram and testicular morphological studies of the buck after treatment with ethanol leaf extract of spondias mombin
    (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto-Nigeria, 2017-04) Oloye, A. A.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Ajayi, O. L.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Olurode, S. A.; Emikpe, B. O.
    Twelve sexually matured West African Dwarf bucks from were used for the experiment. Plant extraction was by cold extraction method using hexane and ethanol as solvents. All the goats had bilaterally well descended free testicles. They were kept in standard goat pen, were served water ad libitum, centrosema plant and ration. They were stabilised for two weeks after which pre-treatment spermiogram was done followed by 14 days of oral administration of 800mg/kg ethanol leaf extract of Spondias mombin. Spermiogram was repeated after treatment. Two randomly selected goats were then castrated through a midline pre-scrotal incision for morphological study and histology of the testes and epididymides. Total spermatozoa morphological abnormalities in pre-treatment of 17.1% was significantly (p≤0.05) higher than the 10% recorded for post-treatment. Curved mid-piece (1.8%) and bent tail (1.8%) constituted the highest abnormalities post-treatment while curved tail (3.5%) was highest pre-treatment. Mean values of progressive motility and percentage liveability were significantly higher (p≤0.05) in post- treatment (96.17±3.10% and 98.25±1.36% respectively) compared to pre-treatment (80.83±11.84% and 78.75±9.56% respectively). Post-treatment sperm concentration (2.50±0.32 x109 cells/ml) compared with pre-treatment (2.32±0.36 x109 cells/ml) was not significantly different. Post-treatment gross and histological features of the bucks’ testes and epididymis were normal. The work revealed that Spondias mombin at 800mg/kgBW improved semen quality in bucks indicating its usefulness as a potential profertility agent.
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    Ameliorating effect of guava (Psidium guajava) extract on adriamycin induced reproductive toxicities
    (University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy In Kosice - The Slovak Republic, 2015) Ola-Davies, O. E.; Oloye, A. A.; Oyeyemi, M. O.
    This study was undertaken to investigate the protective effects of guava extract on Adriamycin induced reproductive toxicities. For this purpose, thirty adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 6 treatment groups. Group 1, the control, was administered distilled water while group 2 was treated with Adriamycin (ADR)(30 mg.m–2) alone. Groups 3, 4 and 5 were administered combinations of 30 mg.m–2 (ADR) and graded doses (125 mg.kg–1; 250 mg.kg–1; 500 mg.kg–1, respectively) of guava extract. Group 6 was treated with the extract (500 mg.kg–1) alone. The treatments were done for seven days with water and feed provided ad libitum. The effects of these treatments on the reproductive characteristics of the male Wistar rats were thereafter investigated. The results showed that the control group (1) had a significantly higher sperm count (96.25 ± 3.84 × 106 cells.ml–1) and motility (80.00 ± 4.08 %) compared to the other treatment groups (P < 0.05). Group 3 had a significantly lower sperm count (40.00 ± 0.00 × 106 cells.ml–1) compared with the group 4 (67.33 ± 4.81 × 106 cells.ml–1) and 6 (62.60 ± 3.09 × 106 cells.ml–1). Group 5 had the lowest percentage livability (50 %), which was significant when compared with the control group, but not significant compared with the other treatment groups (P < 0.05). Groups 3, 5 and 6 had over 20 % sperm cell abnormalities. Most prominent of the abnormalities in groups 3 and 5 were curved tails and curved mid pieces in group 6. This work showed that guava extract at 250 mg.kg–1 is safe and gave protective cover to ADR induced reproductive toxicities.
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    Testicular and epididymal parameters of spondias mombin L. (anacardiaceae) protected male wistar rats exposed to sodium arsenite
    (IDOSI Publications, 2014) Ola-Davies, O.; Ajani, O. S.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Ekundayo, S.
    The testicular and epididymal protective potential of Spondias mombin. L in arsenic-treated rats was carried out. Thirty-five male albino rats (225-228g) were used and grouped into 7 (A to G), each group containing 5 rats. Group A was treated with 0.1ml Dimethysulphoxide (DMSO), B (0.1ml of Distilled water), C (Sodium arsenite; SA-2.5mg/kg body weight), D (Ethylacetate fraction), E (Ethylacetate fraction for 7 days and Sodium arsenite the 7th day), F (Methanolic fraction for 7days and Sodium arsenite the 7th day) and G (Methanolic fraction for 7 days). The results showed significant decrease (P>0.05) in the mean value of both the right and left testes length for group C (treated with Sodium arsenite only) compared to the remaining groups. It was also observed that Group G (treated with Methanolic fraction) had the lowest mean value (P>0.05) for the left and right testes weight and the left and right testicular diameter when compared to other groups. It was also observed that Group G (treated with Methanolic fraction) had the lowest mean values for all the epididymal parameters in this study. There was a significant decrease in the mean value of left epididymal weight, right and left epididymal length of group G compared to group B (treated with distilled water) and group A (treated with DMSO). It was concluded that the Methanolic fraction of Spondias mombin. L has no protective effect on the male albino rats exposed to sodium arsenite as it caused a reduction in epididymal parameters and testicular weight and diameter which may trigger testicular degeneration leading to infertility.
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    Spermatozoa morphology and characteristics of spondias mombin L. (anacardiaceae) protected male Wistar rats exposed to sodium arsenite
    (Academic Journals, 2014-02) Ola-Davies, O.; Ajani, O. S.; Oyeyemi, M. O.
    The sperm protective potential of Spondias mombin L in arsenic-treated rats was carried out. Thirty-five male albino rats (225 to 228 g) were used and grouped into 7 (A to G), each group containing 5 rats. Group A was treated with 0.1 ml dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), B (0.1 ml of distilled water), C (sodium arsenite (SA-2.5 mg/kg body weight), D (ethyl acetate fraction), E (ethyl acetate fraction for 7 days and sodium arsenite the 7th day), F (methanolic fraction for 7 days and sodium arsenite the 7th day) and G (methanolic fraction for 7 days). It was observed that groups G and E had the lowest percentage motility 25.00±15.00 and 38.00±13.90%, respectively which were significantly lower (P<0.05) than groups A and B (89.00±2.45 and 85.00±3.16%), respectively. Percentage motility of groups A to D was similar but higher (P<0.05) than groups E to G. The morphological characteristics ranged between 10.88 and 12.74% in all the groups. In this study, motility of the sperm cells in groups A to D and F were above 60%. This indicated that the sperm motility in these groups was not affected by the treatment. However, groups E and G showed a reduction in percentage motility and viability. The study concluded that S. mombin fractions did not affect sperm cells structurally but treatment with ethyl acetate and methanolic fraction caused significant reduction (P<0.05) in percentage motility and viability, thus may precipitate infertility.
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    Vital reproductive indices in non gravid female rabbits treated with crude ethanol extract of spondias mombin
    (University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy In Kosice - The Slovak Republic, 2013) Oloye, A. A.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Ajayi, O. I.; Ajayi, A. R.
    Ten female Chinchilla breed of rabbits with a mean weight of 1.65 ±0.06 kg, were randomly divided equally into a treatment and a control group. The treatment group received orally 800 mg.kg1 of an ethanol extract of Spondias mombin for fourteen days. The control group received only distilled water utilizing the same method of administration. The females were kept separately away from males. Assays of the reproductive hormones before and after treatment with the extract in the treatment group were done. Both groups were sacrificed after fourteen days of oral administration and their reproductive tracts carefully examined. The studies revealed the normal morphology of ovaries, oviduct, uterine horns, and uterine body in both groups. The histological sections of different reproductive segments were normal. Left and right ovaries appeared to show marked oogenesis in the treated group going by the larger number of follicles observed compared to the control. The body weight adjusted mean paired ovarian diameter of the control group (0.51 +0.02cm) was significantly (P<0.05) different from the treated animals (0.41 ±0.39 cm) but this did not translate into a significant difference in the paired ovarian weights. The body weight adjusted lengths, widths and weights of other parts of the reproductive tracts did not differ significantly comparing the treated and control groups, except for the length of the right uterine horn and the weight of the right oviduct. The studies showed that all of the hormones did not change significantly, comparing the pre and post treatment in the treated group. It was concluded that 800 mg.kg-' of ethanol extract of Spondias mombin appeared to favour folliculogenesis in non-gravid rabbits and resulted in no observed pathological effects on the entire reproductive tract of the rabbit.
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    Hormonal variation in gravid does after oral treatment with crude ethanol extract of spondias mombin
    (2013) Oloye, A. A.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Olurode, S. A.; Ajayi, A. R.
    Twelve mixed breed gravid rabbits weighing between 4.5-6.0kg body weights were randomly selected to study the effect of oral treatment with leaf ethanol crude extract of Spondias mombin on sex steroid hormones. Six were administered 800mg/kg of the extract while six were administered distilled water once every day for 7 days at day 14 of gestation. Blood samples were collected before commencement of treatment and 7 days post treatment in both groups. This was repeated 24 hours after parturition in the control group only. Sera from blood samples were analyzed for sex hormones concentration using ELISA. Results revealed that mean progesterone concentration significantly increased in the treatment group from pre-treatment value of 5.4±0.30ng/ml to post treatment value of 9.5±0.30ng/ml compared to significant decrease from 5.1±0.20ng/ml to 2.5±0.50ng/ml in the control group (P<0.05). All other hormones had no significant changes in both groups comparing pre and post treatment except FSH which significantly reduced from 3.1±0.08mIU/ml to 2.2±0.10mIU/ml in control group. Abortion was observed in the treatment group on days 22 and 23 of gestation, between 24 and 48 hours post treatment while all the rabbits in control group kindled a mean value of 5.7±0.68 kits at a mean gestation period of 30.3±0.33days. The study concluded that crude ethanol extract of Spondias mombin has abortifacient tendency by manipulation of steroids important in gestation.
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    Vaginal cytology pattern and birth features of female wistar rats treated with graded doses of ethanolic extract of spondias mombin
    (2012) Oloye, A. A.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Oladejo, A. O.
    Twenty-five virgin female wistar rats weighing between 120g and 200g and divided into five groups of five rats per group were treated with graded oral dosages of ethanolic extract of Spondias mombin. Dosages served were 800mg/kg, 600mg/kg, 400mg/kg and 200mg/kg for groups A, B, C, D respectively and distilled water for group E which served as control. Five untreated proven male were used for copulation, one per group.Vaginal cytology was done daily for two weeks before treatment with extract to establish an oestrous cycle pattern repeated daily for another two weeks simultaneously with extract administration. Mating, pregnancy diagnosis and determination of birth parameters followed immediately after the end of extract treatment. Vaginal smears prior treatment and during treatment contained epithelial cells consistent with the different phases of estrus in the wistar rat and provided a cyclical pattern indicating that Spondias mombin had no negative effect on the estrous cycle of the wistar rat. Pregnancy and birth rates were favoured with groups A (800mg/kg) and E (control). Average litter sizes in all the groups were not significantly different. The average live birth weight of the neonates measured was observed to be highest for Group A with average live birth weight of 6.27g, followed by Groups B and the control with average live birth weight of 5.83g and 5.50g. The Groups C and D had lower average live birth weights of 4.01g and 4.74g respectively. The group A average weight was significantly high compared with other treatment groups and control (p<0.05). It was concluded that ethanolic extract of Spondia Mombin at 800mg/kg fed orally before copulation had no anti fertility effect on female wistar rat instead appeared to potentiate gestation parameters but same could not be said for dosages as low as 200mg/kg.
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    Testicular morphometry and histology of male wistar rats and gestational pattern of female wistar rats treated with graded dosages of the leaves aqueous extract of spondias mombin
    (2012) Oloye, A. A.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Olurode, S. A.; Inamah, O. A.
    The effects of aqueous extract of Spondias mombin leaves on testicular characteristics and neonatal birth weights after oral treatment of male and female wistar rats with graded dosages were studied. Twenty-five female and male sexually matured wistar rats divided into four treatment groups B, C, D and E and control group(A) were used. Five untreated matured male were also used for mating. The treatment groups were given 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg, 600mg/kg and 800mg/kg respectively while distill water was served to the control group for 28 days. After, testicles were harvested and studied grossly and for histology while the females were served by sexually matured untreated male rats introduced at the last half of the oral treatment. The gross and histology studies showed normal conformation of all the testicles. There was no abnormality noticed in all. Weekly vaginal cytology done during treatment revealed that all the female rats cycled normally. Births were recorded in all groups within the average gestation range of 24-28 days. While group A (control group) had the highest average litter size of 13 followed by groups D and E with 9, group C and E had the highest average birth weights of approximately 5g. It is concluded that there was no antifertility consequence of aqueous spondias mombin on the male wistar rat but insipient infertility was noticed with lower dosages for the female but none with dosage as high as 800mg/kg.
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    Effect of aqueous extract of spondias mombin on the spermiogram of wistar rats
    (2011) Oloye, A. A.; Oyeyemi, M. O.; Ola-Davies, O. E.; Innamah, O. A.
    Twenty-five male rats were divided into four groups (A-E) and treated for twenty-one days with aqueous leaf extract of Spondias mombin which is a fruit tree whose leaf extract is commonly consumed as local remedies in traditional medicine practice. Graded dosages of the extracts were assigned to the groups as follows: 200mg/kg, 400 mg/kg, 600 mg/kg and 800 mg/kg for groups B, C, D and E, respectively. Group A rats which serve as control were given distilled water. Thereafter, spermiogram (mass activity, progress motility, live-dead and morphology) was evaluated. Rats treated with aqueous extracts of spondias mombin at 600 mg/kg body weight has the highest (p<0.05) spermatozoa concentration of 40.51x106 cells/ml. compared with other groups A, B, C and E which had 21.48 x 106, 29.58 x 106, 35.81 x 106/ml, respectively. At dosage of 800 mg/kg highest (p<0.05) sperm motility of 70 ± 4.81% was observed. Compared with other groups A, B, C and D which had 65.0 ± 0.00, 65.5 ± 6.71 and 68.0 ± 2.89%, respectively. The percentage average livability of the control group and of those given 200 mg/kg BW, 70 ± 23.45 and 70 ± 23.09, respectively, were lower than those from group C (77.5 ± 15.55), D (87.5 ± 17.68) and E (80.0 ± 17.32) with group D having the highest average percentage livability. Coiled tail was the predominant abnormality in group A, B and E consisting 40.3%, 24.3% and 30.0% of the total abnormalities, respectively. The work recommended aqueous extract of spondias mombin at concentration of 600mg/ml for of fertility enhancement in male animals.