Crop Protection & Environmental Biology
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Item The Role of Oxalic Acid and Polygalacturonase in The Pathogenicity of Pythium Aphanidermatum On Different Cowpea Varieties(1987) Koleosho, B.; Ikotun, T.; Faboya, O.Item The efficacy of karate (lambdacyhalothrin) in controlling heloidogyne incognita (kofoid and white) on soybeans (glycine max. L. Merril.)(1997) Fadina, O.O; Adesiyan, S.O.The nematicidal properties of a synthetic pyrethriod (Karate) was investigated. In laboratory experiments, Karate at different concentrations (4,000ppm, 6,000ppm and 8,000pm against Meloidogyne incognita (kofoid and white) prevented egg- hatch and accentuated the death of the infective second stage juveniles. In green-house experiments, as little as 4,000ppm of Karate reduced both the number of galls and the population of juveniles in soils when compare with the Control plants. However, Karate applied as soil-drench resulted in wilting of plants at all concentrationsItem Oil spillage and agriculture: effects of spent lubricating oil on soil nutrients and yield of soybeans {glycine max L. merril)(1998) Fadina, O. O.; Mbotig, MbotigThe toxicological effects of spent lubricating oil on Iwo Varieties of soybeans TGX I485-ID and TGX I448-2E Were investigated. Soil Chemical analysis before Planting and After harvest Revealed that there were variable decrease in the levels of Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Zinc (Zn), Copper, (Cu), Nickel (Ni) and Manganese (Mn) with Increasing level of oil contamination. However, the Amount of Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mn), lron (Fe) and Cadmium (Cd) was found to have increased In the soil after harvest. Lead (Pb) and Chromium (Cr) were not detected in the contaminated and uncontaminated soils. Spent lubricating oil was found to cause delayed germination, reduced growth and yield Parameters In both varieties of soybeans; and with increasing level of oil contamination, the toxicity of the oil to soybeans were more pronouncedItem The Effects of Single and Combined Repetitive Oral Administration of Common Pesticides and Alcohol on Rabbits(1999) Fadina, O.O; Taiwo, V.O; Ogunsunmi, A.OThe toxicological effects of repetitive single or combined oral administration of a synthetic pyrethroid pesticide (KarateR), nicotine and alcohol (ethanol) in rabbits were studied. Rabbits given daily oral doses of either KarateR, nicotine or ethanol and a combination of either KarateR and nicotine or alcohol exhibited various forms and severities of nervous signs, haematological and serum biochemical alterations, and lungs, liver, heart, kidney and brain damage. Single repetitive nicotine consumption proved most fatal with 75% mortality rate recorded within eight weeks, while combined KarateR and alcohol consumption caused 100% mortality within ten weeks. Severe anaemia, panleucopenia, significant increase in serum gammaglutamyl transferase and hypocholesterolaemia were the hallmarks of severe toxicity with these agents. This study highlights the possible long-term effects of the indiscriminate use of pesticides, and some common environmental pollutants like alcohol on rabbits. This very serious threat to biodiversity Conservation efforts in our environment that may result from this is discussed.Item Survey of Downy Mildew Disease of Maize (Peronoscleropora Sorghi) For Appropriate Control Strategies(2000) Fadina, 0.0; Adeoti, B. O.The study sets out to find the various factors militating against the effective control of the downy mildew disease of maize in some local government areas of Oyo and Ogun States (Nigeria). Lack of adequate communication between the farmers and researchers and the unavailability of downy mildew resistant seeds at the appropriate time and at affordable prices are some of the factors militating against the effective control of the downy mildew disease of maize. The testing of relationships with chi-square between farmers educational levels and incidence of disease shows that there is no relationship between the two i.e. X2 cal > X2 tab at 95% significant level. The chi-square test also indicated that there is still the occurrence of the disease irrespective of whether farmers have access to extension agents or not because X2 cal = 7.98 while X2 tab = 5.99 at 95% significant level. The adoption of an integrated pest management approach, close linkage between the farmers and researchers and the provision of technical advice by extension agents were suggestedItem Sustainable agriculture: women and pesticides(2000) Opeolu ., B. O; Fadina, O. O.All over the World, women are the primary producers of food for their families and extended communities. In sub-Saharan Africa, more than half of the farm labour force consists of women yet they have little or no knowledge of the hazards of pesticides that are often applied at the various stages of crop production. Numerous studies on pesticides related poisoning have been reported on many male farmers but relatively fewer studies have been conducted on women because of their subordinate position in the society. At the superficial level, it is believed that women do not spray pesticides, but they are exposed lo pesticides during the washing of sprayers and clothing. and the processing and consumption of treated crops. Women are particularly vulnerable because of the aggravating conditions like poverty, ignorance, malnutrition that are caused by their subordinate rotes In the society. Pesticides are known to cause breast cancer, infertilely, spontaneous abortion, still - birth and birth defects in exposed women. To achieve sustainable agriculture, it is therefore important that women indigenous knowledge and skills are used for the development of less hazardous crop production practices.Item Toxicity of gamma-benzene hydrochloride (y-bhc) to oreochromis niloticus (pisces: cichlidae)(2000) Fadina, 0.0; Taiwo, V.O; Ogunsunmi, A O; Agbede, S AThe toxicity of gamma-benzene hydrochloride (y-BHC) to Oreochromis mlolicus was evaluated in a static bioassay system A various concentrations and ponods of exposure, changes in behavioural responses and ortahbes were recorded in the test fish, while no such responses or any molality was recorded in the control fish throughout the period of the experiment increasing concentration and periods of exposure to y-BHC caused uncoordinated movements, erratic swimming behavior and extreme dullness prior to death of the lest fish. There are progressive heamoconcentration, hyperproteinaemia, hypernatraemia, decreased plasma cabon concentration, hypoglycaemia and increased plasma levels of ALP, AST and ALT will increasing concentration of y- BHC and period of exposure of test fish Death of test fish pccued cathest in the highest concentration of y- BHC(200ppm) and with increasing ponods of exposure postmortem lesions observed in the test fish include haemorrhagic and necrotic enlentis and myocarditis, hepalocellular degeneration and necrosim and non-suppurative meningoencephalitis it is concluded that y-BHC is very toxic to O.nilolicus, causing severed ncule denydration,haemoconcentration, organ damage and death. Hence, it is suggested that the use of y-BHC to properly controlled and regulated by appropriate legislation in order to prevent its bioaccumulation in the environment and immnent disastrous effect on the ecosystemItem The potentials of farmers’ indigenous knowledge for the control of plant diseases.(2000) Fadina, O. O.; Ogunyemi, S.For the whole world to achieve the most desired sclf-sufficiency in food production, plant protection technologies must continuously be developed and used in food production process to battle against prevailing insect pests and diseases, weeds, vertebrate pests and menace of birds. These technologies must reach the primary producers who must be able to use them effectively and efficiently. However, a host of technologies have been developed which arc actually not being used by resource poor farmers who still produce the bulk of food in the developing countries. In Nigeria for example, Olayidc et al (1980) reported that 98% of the food consumed is produced by small-scale farmers who cannot afford Capital and input intensive crop protection approach. Strategies must therefore be developed to make sure that plant protection technologies be developed from farmers indigenous knowledge and selected modern technologies.Item The working environment and livestock production systems in Nigeria(2001) Fadina, O.O; Taiwo, V.OFavorable and safe working conditions are important factors in animal production. In urban and peri-urban areas of Nigeria, most the livestock arc kept under the extensive System where animals are exposed lo industrial wastes, oil Spills and domestic effluents, which might leave serious effects on the health of the animals. And for a country (hat has an annual record of over a thousand oil spillages, pollution of soils often leads to destruction of pasture land and death of water animals. In its drive to increase food production, many Nigerian farmers have been using pesticides on their farms. Animals in search of forage and water are often killed when they come in contact with pesticide treated farms and contaminated water. The poisoning of sheep and goats by organochlorine residues on cocoa farms have been recorded in many parts of the country and birds have also been known to be poisoned by acaricides which are used as washes dusting powders for the treatment of fleas and lice. This paper thus describes the various deleterious effects of common pollutants on the livestock production System in Nigeria. Suggestions were also made on the ways and means of reducing exposure of animals to environmental toxicants.Item Food Security And Safety In Nigeria The Impact Of Enviromental Pollution On Livestock Production Systems(2001) Taiwo, V.O; Fadina, O.OItem Effect of Spent Lubricating Oil on Some Growth Parameters of Two Varieties (TGXl485 - ID and TGXl448 - 2E) of Soybeans, (Glyzine max. merril)(2002) Mbong, G. A; Fadina, O.O; Focho, B. A,; Azo, W. M; Seino, R. A.The effects of spent lubricating oil on the growth of two varieties of soybean (TG x 1485-ID; (V1)) and (TG x 1448-2E; (V2)) were investigated in the laboratory and greenhouse experiments. In all the plants treated with spent lubricating oil, germination was delayed when compared with the Controls. Also results from growth parameters such as stem height/plant, number of leaves/plants, - number of nodes/plants and number of branches/plant indicated that spent lubricating oil had some adverse effects on the growth of soybeans. However, V1 seems to be more tolerant to contamination by spent lubricating oil in terms of growth indices than V2, which suffered most. Generally, while V2 produced a net higher dry pod weight/plant, V1 produced less dry weight/plant. It was generally observed in the study that with increasing level of oil contamination, the toxicity of the oil was more pronouncedItem Reduced Morphological Root Features of Anthracnose Infected Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata (I.) Walp)(2002) Ajari, I. O.; Fadina, O.Oln a green house experiment to determine the effects of anthracnose disease caused by collectricum lindemuthianum on cowpea, sterilized siols in planting pots were used for planning two susceptible cowpea varieties (Ife Brown and 1782-60). The seedlings were inoculated with the inoculum meal of the pathogen after 3 weeks of planting. The results obtained show that characteristics tan to brown anthracnose symptoms had appeared on the leaves of both varieties after 3 weeks of inoculation, while the roots of the infected cowpeas were observed to be morphologically different from the roots of the uninfected plants. Similarly, infected plants were smaller in size and a marked reduction in their yield IT82f 60 (35%) versus Ife Brown (19%). The reduction of the plant structures and yield of the infected plants was suspected to have been as a result of the anthracnose diseaseItem Item Microproagation of fluted pumkin by enhanced axilary shoot formation(2002-05) Balogun, M. O.; Ajibade, S. R.; Ogunbodede, B. A.In a bid to develop protocols for micropropagation of fluted pumkin (Telfairia occidentalis), single node cuttings of two genotypes, Telfairia occidentalis white and Telfairia occidentalis orange (ToW-1 and ToR-1 respectively) were cuItured in Murashige and Skoog medium but with four different combinations of kinetin and naphthalene acetic acid concentrations. The highest number of nodes per plantlet was obtained in the medium containing l=litre2.0mg/l kinetin which indicates suitability for micropropagation purposes. There was however, lack of root formation: Premature senescence was also significantly predminant in ToR-1 relative to ToW1. Optimum medium for Telfairia micropropagation appears to be genotypeItem Cassava micropropagation in a developing economy: efficacy of the use of alternative sources of water, macro and micro-nutrients(Science Association of Nigeria, 2003) Balogun, M. O.; Ng, S. Y. C.; Fawole, I.The effect of water, micro- and macro-nutrient source on growth and development of cassava plantlets was investigated. Two varieties of cassava (TME 2 and TMS 4(2) 1425) were used. The double- distilled water currently being used was substituted with well water, IITA tap water and water from air conditioner (a/c); while the Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium popularly adopted as the source of macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients and vitamins was also substituted with fertilizers and multimineral tablet. Percentage root formation, plantlet formation and number of roots per plantlet were considerably reduced when tap water was used in TMS 4(2) 1425 but not in TME 2. Well water and a/c water performed equally well as double-distilled water in supporting plantlet growth and development. Almost all the plantlets grown in medium with fertilizer as macro-nutrient source did not survive while those grown in medium with multimineral tablet as micro-nutrient source appeared stunted. Most of those grown in medium with both fertilizer and multimineral tablet as macro- and micro-nutrient sources also did not survive. MS basal medium still proved to be the best in supporting plantlet growth and development, it was however the most expensive.Item Effects of lead on performance and nutrient quality of two cowpea varieties(2003) Fadina, O.O; Opeolu, B. OThe effects of lead on plant growth, yield and nutrient quality of two cowpea varieties (IT94K-4403 and IT93KZ-8-21-23-3) were studied. Soil and seeds analyses for lead before planting and after harvest revealed variable decreases in lead levels in contaminated soil after harvest. While lead was not detectable in the planted and harvested seeds. There were no significant differences in the various lead contamination levels with respect to germination days and maturation days. Lead contamination was found to have adverse effects on the yield of cowpea. The variety IT94K-4403 showed no variation in protein after harvest with the different levels of lead contamination, IT93KZ-8-21-23-3 on the other hand showed variable deceases in protein content.Item Comparative effects of explant sources and genotypes on microtuberization in yams (Dioscorea spp.)(Wiley InterScience, 2004) Balogun, M. O.; Ng, S. Y. C.; Shiwachi, H.; Ng, N. Q.; Fawole, I.Single node cuttings of two genotypes each of Dioscorea alata and D. rotundata from both plants grown in screen houses and in vitro plantlets were cultured in a tuberization medium. The screen house explants had significantly higher plantlet tuberization and primary nodal complex formation, and more tubers and primary nodal complexes per plantlet than in vitro explants, whereas in vitro explants performed better only in nodes per plantlet. It appears that in vitro tuberization is explant- , species- and genotype-dependent, the greatest variation being due to explant source. This is a first report of microtuber production from nodal explants of D. rotundata produced in a screen house.Item Biological Control of Root Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) On Tissue Cultural Banana (Dwarf Carvendish Var. Basarai)(2004) Fadina, O. O; Nadgauda, S. RBiocontrol powder Phule Trichoderma has been successfully used on a number of horticultural crops. The present investigation was carried out to explore the nematicidal properties of Phule Trichoderma against the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) infesting the tissue culture banana (Dwarf Cavendish - var. Basarai). In vitro tests slowed that the various concentrations of Phule Trichoderma prevented nematode egg hatching and also resulted in 100% mortality of nematode juveniles. Tissue culture banana plants were also dipped into various concentrations of Phule Trichoderma before planting out into plastic bags. Plant were inoculated with 250 nematode juveniles and alter ten days, the roots were stained with cotton blue lactophenol and nematodes were counted under a dissecting microscope. The results indicated that the higher the concentration of Phule Trichoderma in banana plants, the lower the ability of the nematode to penetrate the roots. Furthermore, the nematode juveniles that penetrated the treated roots were found dead. This could have resulted from the toxic metabolites produced front Phule Trichoderma. Also, root zone treatment of plants treated with Phule Trichoderma prevented the development of giant cells and roots knots in treated plants while the development of giant cells and root knots were observed in untreated plants exposed to nematode infestation.Item Genetic variation in nutritive and anti-nutritive contents of African yam bean (sphenostylis stenocarpa)(Wiley InterScience, 2005) Ajibade, S. R.; Balogun, M. O.; Afolabi, O. O.; Ajomale, K. O.; Fasoyiro, S. B.Seeds of 20 African yam bean collections were evaluated for nutritive and antinutritive contents. Anti-nutrients were negatively correlated with protein and carbohydrate contents. Principal component analysis and the Fastclus procedure showed that collections with high anti-nutrient contents had darker seed colour.