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Item Access to public archives: a right or a privilege?(Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2002) Abioye, A. A. A.This paper traces the evolution of access to public archives. it takes a look at the concept of liberalization of access, particularly the perceived citizen's right of access. It critically examines the various conditions of access in the light of which it concludes that access to public archives is a privilege rather than a right.Item Access to public archives: a right or a privilege?(Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Library Association, 2002) Abioye, A. A. A.This paper traces the evolution of access to public archives. It takes a look at the concept of liberalization of access, particularly the perceived citizen's right of access. It critically examines the various conditions of access in the light of which it concludes that access to public archives is a privilege rather than a right.Item Accessibility and use of records in educational policy-making in selected ministries of education in South-west, Nigeria(Information Technology Application Group (ITAG) International, 2017-09) Abioye, A.; Onwuka, M.Purpose: This study investigated accessibility and use of records for educational policy making by senior civil servants in selected state ministries of education in South-West, Nigeria. Design/Methodology/Approach: The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of 1,205 senior civil servants in Ministries of Education in South-west, Nigeria out of which a sample size of 241 respondents was derived. A questionnaire was used for data collection. The data collected through the questionnaire were complemented with interview conducted with a Director, Deputy Director and a senior officer in Lagos State, Ogun State and Osun State by the researchers. The data collected with the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and regression analysis while content analysis of the recorded interviews was made. Findings: The study revealed that accessibility and use of records significantly predicted educational policy making (R2=.055, F (2,240) = 6.898, p<-05) with 5.5% explanation of the variability of the dependent variable. It also revealed that records needed for educational policy making include academic records of students, annual reports from schools, inspection reports and yearly approved estimates. It identified politics, power supply and bureaucratic system as the major constraints to timely accessibility and use of records. Implication: The study has implication for the management of records in the public sector. Suggested solutions to the challenges in the accessibility and use of records include putting in place mechanisms to remove or reduce the constraints to timely accessibility and use of records for educational policy making, setting standard for formulating, implementing and sustaining educational policies made and considering continuity in the established policies. Originality/Value: the originality of this study lies in the finding that accessibility and use of records significantly predicted educational policy making.Item Adequacy and teachers’ utilisation of school library media resources and curricula delivery in secondary school social science subjects(The Department of Arts and Social Sciences Education, The Department of Early Childhood and Educational Foundations, The Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, 2017) Olaojo, P. O.Item Administrative and infrastructural factors affecting library and information science educators’ actual use of educational support systems for teaching in Nigerian universities(Sage Publications, 2019) Akinde, T. A.; Adetimirin, A. E.This research assumes that administrative and infrastructural factors may explain the low use of educational support systems (ESS) for teaching by library and information science (LIS) educators in Nigerian universities. The literature has focused on the adoption of different types of educational technologies and their use by teachers and students with little consideration for the LIS educators’ actual use of ESS for teaching and the effect of institutional support on the use of these systems. Thus, the study seeks to determine the user percentage of ESS for teaching, how the educators actually use ESS for teaching, the nature of administrative and infrastructural support they receive while teaching with ESS and whether the two factors correlate with and predict the actual use of ESS for teaching. A descriptive survey design was adopted and data were collected through a questionnaire. The results indicate that many of the LIS educators did not use ESS for teaching and that their actual use of ESS for the instructional activities highlighted in the study was low and below average. Moreover, the educators were found to have received minimal administrative and infrastructural support. The two factors were also found to have significant positive correlations and a significant and positive joint influence on the actual use of ESS for teaching with a joint contribution of 14.7%. Analysis of their relative contributions to the prediction of actual use revealed that, although the two support factors contributed positively, only infrastructural support contributed significantly at 0.05 level of significance. It was therefore recommended that for administrative support to be meaningful, adequate infrastructural facilities should be provided for an appreciable and sustainable use of ESS for teaching.Item Adoption of koha software in universities in South-west, Nigeria(Tai Solarin University of Education Press, Ijebu-Ode, 2016) Adetimirin, A.This article investigated the reasons for the adoption, purpose, functional modules and challenges of KOHA software in some universities in South-west Nigeria. Six universities were selected based on ownership (federal, state and private) and librarians in charge of the software were interviewed. Results revealed that KOHA was adopted because it was free and easy to use and the purpose was to improve service delivery to users. The cataloguing module was found to be the common module in the universities and the major challenges to its use were irregular power supply and inadequate technical support. For maximum benefit of using KOHA software in these libraries, alternative power supply and training for the librarians must be strongly considered.Item Analysis and patterns of CD_ROM database use in Kenneth Dike library, university of Ibadan, Nigeria.(The Association of information professionals of Nigeria, 2004-12-06) Igbeka, J. U.This study investigated the usage pattern of CD_ROM databases in Kenneth Dike library, university of Ibadan and how this facility meets the information needs of users. Data collected using: records of users between 1995-2001; 2 sets of questionnaire which satisfied and unsatisfied users and library staff, on how to improve services were entertained. Result showed that users were not very knowledgable on how to conduct a good/successful CD_ROM literature search; some CD_ROM databases are usually not very current, journal articles whose abstract were cited are not often available in the industry. Recommendations and suggestions whic included training of users and library personnel on how to conduct the CD_ROM literature searching, updating of CD_ROM databases, making available current journals in the library and effective library document delivery after a serach were made.Item Analysis of users' searches of CD-ROM databases(Emerald, 2005) Okpala, A. EPurpose- This study investigates the behaviour of searches of CD-ROM databases in the Kenneth Dike library of the university of Ibadan, Nigeria. The aim of the study was to identify the behaviour of end-users with different amounts of overall experience in searching electronic databases in order to identify the knowledge of thier search systems and syntax, and its effect on thier search result, for the purpose of improving user education. Design/methodology/approach-All end-user who conducted searches during the priod of the research were the subject of the research. A well-constructed questionnaire, including interveiws and observations, were used to collect the requisite data. The variables included in this study are uservariables, search process variables and search outcome variables. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Finding- The results show that logical operates "AND" and "OR" are significantly used for searching by end-users; that search results are dependent on search strategy employed by the user. The more sophisticated the search strategy, the greater the result in term s of number and revelance obtained by the searcher. The result also shows that there is no relationship between the level of education of users and quality of search strategy. Practical implications- The implication of study is mainly the importance and necessity of training for end-users in CD-ROM literature search. Originality/ value- The uniqueness of the study is based on the fact that certain strategic methods are required for successful CD_ROM literature search and that this does not depend on the level of education of users. This paper is therefore important and applicable to all end-users who are interested in conduction CD_ROM literature search.Item Application of copyright law in libraries and archives in Nigeria(2016-01) Abioye, A.All over the world, the products of man's intellect are recognized and protected by the intellectual property law. The essence of the recognition and protection is to ensure that man's creativity and ingenuity are not unduly harnessed and exploited. A broad division of intellectual property law is the copyright law which protects, among others, literary) and artistic works. Like any other civilized country, Nigeria has a copyright law. Libraries and archives, being the main custodians of and the most prominent intermediaries between users and copyrighted works, it is essential that they should be abreast of copyright law in Nigeria. Unfortunately, not much exposition has been made on the application of copyright law in libraries and archives in Nigeria. This paper, therefore, takes a look at Nigeria's Copyright Act and interprets its provisions for libraries and archives in Nigeria. Making reference to the practice in other countries, particularly the developed world, as well as relevant statutory’ provisions, the paper defines the obligations of libraries and archives in the enforcement of copyright law. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for information professionals to be abreast of legislations relating to information provision and to balance the interest of information resources users with that of copyright owners in order to protect intellectual property rights.Item Application of information technology (IT) in the management of court records in the supreme court of Nigeria(2005) Abioye, A.Information technology (IT) being crucial to the management of records in all sectors, the study investigated the level of awareness and application of IT to court records management in the Supreme Court of Nigeria. It examined the facilities available, use, constraints and prospects. The research instruments adopted for data collection were interview and observation. The results showed that there is high level of awareness of the importance of IT. The technology is used mainly for record creation and distribution. Constraints include poor funding and lack of well-trained staff in the use of IT for records management. The study concluded and made necessary recommendations for the improved use of IT for court record management in the Supreme Court of Nigeria.Item Assessment of factors affecting social media use for HIV and AIDS communication among undergraduate students in South-Western Nigeria(2017-06) Alonge, A. J.; Kiai, W.; Ndati, N.The study evaluated factors that affect use of social media for HIV and AIDS communication among federal university undergraduates in south western Nigeria. The cross-sectional research method was employed. Structured questionnaire copies were administered to 355 undergraduate students. Quantitative data gathered from the administered questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result showed that blogs (41.1%), twitter (25.4%) and WhatsApp (17.7%) were the social media sites preferred by male and female respondents for sharing and accessing HIV and AIDS information. The use of these social media sites for HIV and AIDS information communication was influenced by privacy and neutrality. It also showed that majority of the undergraduates affirmed that HIV and AIDS information on social media platforms was very useful because it facilitated access to quality tips on HIV. A significant percentage of the respondents also affirmed that the use of social media was hugely affected by epileptic nature of power supply, poor network connectivity, ICT skills and cost of subscription. Stepwise multiple regression analysis identified ICT skill as the only environmental factor that had significant influence on social media use (F= 4.234, p<0.05) and was responsible for 33.9% of the variation in social media use for HIV information communication. The study suggested the campaign on prominent HIV/AIDS discussion sites and ICT skill acquisition to enable youth connect and effectively make use of social media for HIV information communication.Item An assessment of records management practice in selected local government councils in Ogun State, Nigeria(2016) Bakare, A. A.; Abioye, A. A.; Issa, A. O.What government does/fails to do is conveyed to the public largely by records and information of various types in the public service, without which there will be no government. When records are poorly managed, much time is involved in sorting and locating needed information from large volumes of records. The rate of records misplaced or lost from which useful information for decision making is usually obtained makes it difficult to provide concise and up-to-date records of both past and present operations, raising the challenge of effective record-keeping. Thus this study examined records management practices in selected local government councils in Ogun State, Nigeria, adopting the descriptive survey research method using questionnaires for data collection. Its population comprised 415 records of personnel in the selected councils, of which 208 were sampled using simple random technique. From the 208 copies of the questionnaire administered on the registry personnel, 150 copies were useable, with a 72.12% response rate. Descriptive statistics were used for the analysis. The results indicated a prevalence of paper as the dominant medium for recording/conveying information in the councils with most of these being either in active state, semi-active, and vital and were kept and maintained in the registry, while in-active records were kept in the records store. Storage facilities for record-keeping were insufficient. Security measures against unauthorized access to records were by restrictions and subject users to managerial clearance. The study concluded that council records were in chaos and recommended the formulation of coherent records management policy, adequate budgetary provision, and adequate finance.Item Associations between nollywood movies and risky sexual behaviours among in-school youths in Nigeria: an ongoing study(2020) Alonge, A. J.; Asubiaro, T.Nollywood, the second largest movie industry in the world after America’s Hollywood, is Nigeria’s movie industry. This ongoing study investigates how sexual messages and scenes are communicated to viewers and if there is correlation between the pattern of Nollywood movies exposure and sexual behaviour of in-school adolescents in the southwestern part of Nigeria. Data will be collected from the participants through questionnaire while content of popular Nollywood movies among the participants will be content analyzed. It is expected that this study will provide information about the frequency of sexual scenes and how risky sexual behaviours are portrayed in Nollywood movies. Secondly, it is expected that this study will show the types of relationships that exist between movie exposure behaviour and sexual behaviour in the study population.Item Attitude of women towards the use of family planning information in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria(University of Ibadan, Distance Learning Centre, Ibadan, 2018) Akinsanya, A. O.; Akangbe, C. A.Women of child bearing age need information for their development in all aspects of life. One of such crucial information they require for optimum living is family planning information (FPI). Effective use of FPI, however, depends on the attitude of women towards it. It has been established that women’s poor attitudes towards FPI, as a result of many factors, have caused accelerated increase in population growth, high rate of unwanted pregnancies, increased sexually transmitted diseases, and illegal abortion, among others. It is against this background that this research examined the attitude of women towards the use of family planning information in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and systematic random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of 250 women o: child bearing age (15-49 years) in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was the main research instrument and data was analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages for the three research questions. Results showed that most of the respondents have heard about family planning information, some have adopted it while others did not because of fear of its side effects, lack of awareness and partner’s disagreement. Awareness of FPI was found to be average but its level of use was low.Item AVAILABILITY OF PRINT AND INTERNET RESOURCES AS FACTORS INFLUENCING READING CULTURE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN EDO STATE, NIGERIA(2017-03) UKPEBOR, C. O.Poor reading culture being exhibited by the secondary school students in Edo State is responsible for their inability to engage in critical thinking, sound analysis of events and situations, and poor academic achievement. Many studies have examined cognitive factors affecting reading culture with little attention on print and Internet resources. This study, therefore, investigated availability of print and Internet resources as factors influencing reading culture of secondary school students in Edo State, Nigeria. Skinner’s Behavioural theory provided the framework, while descriptive survey design of correlational-type was adopted. The population comprised Senior Secondary School students in both public and private secondary schools in Edo State. Multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted. Nine (three from each senatorial district) Local Government Areas (LGAs) out of 18 LGAs were randomly selected. Using purposive sampling technique, a total of 65 schools (50 public and 15 private secondary schools) were selected from the nine LGAs. A total of 819 students were randomly selected (49.0% males and 51.0% females). Instruments used were: Availability of print resources (r=0.87), Availability of Internet resources (r=0.82) and Reading culture (r=0.75) questionnaires. These were complimented with Key informant interview with five school principals each from public and private secondary schools. Descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation and Multiple regression were used for analysis at 0.05 level of significance, while the qualitative data was content analysed. The age of the students was 16.4+1.91 years. The mean score for pubic secondary schools’ reading culture was 51.00, and for private secondary schools was 62.50. There was significant correlation between reading culture and print resources (r=0.16). There was significant correlation between reading culture and Internet resources (r=0.10). There was a significant joint contribution of availability of print and Internet resources on students’ reading culture (F(2,816), =12.55; R2 = 0.03) translating to 3.0% of its variance. Availability of print resources (β = 0.141) and Internet resources (β = 0.075) relatively contributed to reading culture. There was low reading culture among the students which was traced to poor mentoring, students’ inability to procure relevant texts and negative peer influence. Availability of print and Internet resources influenced reading culture of Senior Secondary School students in Edo State. Education policy makers and librarians should encourage revitalisations of readers’ club in the secondary schools in order to sustain reading cultureItem Availability, accessibility and use of information and communication technologies by undergraduates in Nigerian universities: what role for university libraries?(HEBN Publishers Plc, 2007) Adetimirin, A. E.Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) facilitate access to electronic information which has become invaluable in complementing traditional library resources. The objective of this study was to determine location, accessibility and use of ICTs by undergraduates. Three universities were purposively selected and undergraduates from four faculties were randomly selected. Questionnaire, interview and observation were the data collection methods used. A total of 700 respondents were used for the study while cross tabulation and percentages were the data analysis methods. ICTs were used in university libraries, computer laboratories and cybercafes on the campuses and it was found that not all the ICTs available were accessible to undergraduates in the. university’ libraries. The academic tasks for which ICTs were used were assignments, class work, projects, seminar and term papers. University libraries still need to provide more ICTs for students’ use. This could be achieved through encouraging the intervention of private initiatives as this could in turn promote more use of ICTs.Item Awareness and use of family planning information by women in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria(Awareness and use of family planning information by women in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria, 2018) Akinsanya, A. O.; Akangbe, C. A.Family planning is a comprehensive medical and social practice which enables individuals to determine easily the number and spacing of their children and to select the means of its achievement. The information on the knowledge of family planning services is referred to as family planning in-formation (FPI). Failure to use FPI often results in problems such as unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortions, infants and maternal deaths, rapid population growth and sexually transmitted infections; among others. To avoid these problems, awareness of FPI is paramount but rather it appears to be low. The government, medical practitioners and the media are really bothered about the seeming apathy and unenthusiastic awareness of FPI by women. It is against this background that this research examined the aware-ness and use of family planning information by women in Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study; simple random and accidental sampling techniques were used to select the sample size of 250 women of childbearing age (15-49 years). Questionnaire was the chief re-search instrument and data was analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages for the four research questions. Findings showed that some of the respondents were using family planning methods while many were not because of fear of side effects, lack of awareness, and partner’s disagreement; among others. Awareness of FPI was found to be average but the level of use was low. The study therefore recommended that awareness of family planning information must be encouraged, quality of education and health-care services should be improved, and adequate funding should be ensured for procurement of required tools and equipment.Item Back to the drawing board: the role of information service manager redefined(Nigerian Library Association, 2004) Abioye, A.This paper examines and redefines the role of information service manager in the light of the new information communication technologies (ICT). It takes a look at the growth of information service and the place of information service manager in the information environment of the 21st century. It discusses the emergence of knowledge management and the consequent challenges of knowledge transfer. It concludes by advising the information service manager to chart a new course suitable to meeting the information needs of the 21st century.Item Basic archival principles and book preservation in Nigerian libraries(Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2015) Abioye, A.In view of the vital importance of archives administration and preservation to access information resources, the paper takes a look at the archival principles of arrangement and description as well as book preservation in Nigerian libraries. It analyses the various levels of arrangement through which the physical control of archival materials is established. The value of archival description as a means of facilitating the intellectual control of and access to archival materials is also identified. It highlights the variation in access procedure in archives and libraries and concludes that the variation notwithstanding, access to information resources goes to the very root of archives and libraries in Nigeria. The strategic importance of preservation in facilitating access to information resources is also explored. Factors that account for book deterioration, particularly in the tropics are identified. Finally, suggestions are made for tackling the challenges of deterioration of information resources in Nigeria.Item Blogging: an emerging innitiative amongst librarians in Oyo State Nigeria(2015-04) Fasola, O. S.; Oso, O. O.; Alonge, A. J.This paper examines blogging as an emerging initiative among librarians in Nigeria. It looks at how librarians having embraced the blogging technology have used it not only to promote themselves but to also promote the activities of their affiliate organizations. The attitude of librarians to ownership and operation of weblogs was also examined. It aims at investigating Librarians’ awareness of weblogs, their attitudes to weblog and the benefits accruable to the individual and the library in weblog operations. The descriptive survey research method was used with questionnaire questions drawn up in line with the objectives of the study. A hundred questionnaires were distributed to Librarians in Oyo State, Nigeria out of which ninety eight were returned. Data gathered was analyzed using the frequency count and simple percentages. Conclusions were then drawn from the analyzed data and recommendations made on how librarians can and should exploit the benefits of weblogs and blogging to advance librarianship.