Veterinary Microbiology & Parapsychology

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    Identification of GyrA mutations conferring fluoroquinolone resistance in Salmonella isolated from poultry and swine from Ogun and Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Cuvillier Verlag Gottingen, 2011) Ogunleye, A.O.; Ajuwape, A.T.P.; Adetosoye, A.I.; Carlson, S.A.
    The quinolone-resistancc determining-region of gyrA was PCR-amplified and sequenced in eight fluoroquinolone-resistant Salmonella (lcvofloxacin MICs ranging from 32-64 pg /tnL) isolated from apparently healthy swine (n=2 isolates) and poultry (n=6 isolates) that died of septicacmic clinical diseases in Ogun and Oyo State, Nigeria. All of the eight isolates possessed the gyrA mutation encoding the histidine=>tyrosine conversion at amino acid 150 (150His=>Tyr). Additional substitutions included: 83Tyr=>Ser in one Salmonella enterica serotype Give isolate (pig), 87Asp=>Tyr in one Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky isolate (pig); 83Tyr=>Phe in one isolate characterized as 9,12:Nonmotile (poultry); and 87Asp=>Gly in three poultry' isolates including Salmonella enterica serotypes Kentucky (n=2), and Ituri (n=l). The 150His=>Tyr is novel while the other mutations have been previously reported in Salmonella spp. This is the first study to associate gyrA mutations with fluoroquinolone resistance in Nigeria, where fluoroquinolone use in livestock is not tightly regulated
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    Small bowel responses to enteral honey and glutamine administration following massive small bowel resection in rabbit
    (2008) Eyarefe, O.D.; Emikpe, B. O.; Arowolo, O. A.
    The trophic effects of honey and glutamine in the healing and adaptation of the small bowel following intestinal resection were studied in some Nigerian non-descript breeds of rabbits. Nine rabbits of mixed sexes with mean body weight of 1.45 ±0.55kg were used. They were randomised into three treatment groups following 50% small bowel resection. Group A rabbits were placed on oral honey treatment. Group B on oral glutamine and group C on normal saline (control). All groups exhibited signs of small bowel adaptation (glutamine(B) honey (A) control (C) at the end of the experiment (4 weeks) with oral glutamine showing the best overall effects on intestinal mucosal growth and adaptation evidenced by significant increase (P<0.05) in residual bow'el length (37.3%), villi width (20.0%), crypt depth (113.3%) and a non significant increase in villus height (33.3%) and cellular mass (10.2%). Honey showed a better effect than control with a significant increase (P<0.05) in villi width (18.2%), crypts depth (66.7%) and cellular mass (33.9%) and a non significant increase in gross residual bow'el length (24.6%), and villus height (30.5%). Our result shows that honey and glutamine have trophic effects on bowel mucosa healing and hyperplasia and have potential therapeutic effects on massive bowel resection in humans
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    Splenic lymphoma in an adult local bitch-a case report
    (2008) Oni, S. O.; Akinrinmade, J. F.; Ajadi, R. A.; Eyarefe, O.D.; Olaifa, A. K.
    A four-year old local dog weighing 12kg was presented four days after signs of persistent anorexia and dullness were observed. Physical examination of the bitch revealed a circumscribed distension of the left lateral abdomen about 5cm caudal to the rib cage, which on palpation appeared firm, discrete and nodular but painless. X-rays views confirmed that the mass was intrasplenic and had a fat density. Blood and urine samples were analysed, the result of which showed proteinuria, bilirubinuria and neutrophilic leucocyosis. Exploratory laparotomy and spleenectomy were carried out. The extirpated spleen had pendunculated projection. The biopsy of the spleen revealed that the tumour is a lymphoma
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    Surgical asepsis
    (Ibadan University press, 2014) Eyarefe, O.D.
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    Animal health management: principles and practice
    (Centre for General Studies, 2019) Eyarefe, O.D.; Jeremiah, O. T.
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    Gastrointestinal helminths in slaughtered cattle in Ibadan, South-Western Nigeria
    (Hindawi, 2014-10) Adedipe, O.D.; Uwalaka, E.C.; Akinseye, V. O.; Adediran, O. A.; Cadmus, S.I.B.
    As part of an ongoing project to investigate the epidemiology of gastrointestinal helminths of cattle in Nigeria, we carried out a systematic random sampling of cattle slaughtered in a major abattoir in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria. Using sedimentation and floatation methods, we analyzed fecal samples from 397 animals between March and May 2013. Overall, 163 (41.6%) of the animals had at least one astrointestinal helminth egg, comprising a total of eight helminths from different genera (i.e., four nematodes, three trematodes, and one cestode), with nematode infection being the highest (71.54%). In addition, eggs of four helminths of zoonotic importance were also obtained. Among the cattle examined, the Bunaji breed was the most infected (46%; 69/150). Furthermore, female animals (OR = 1.1; 95% CI: 0.60–1.84) and animals with moderate body condition (OR = 1.2; 95% CI: 0.80–1.79) are more likely to be positive to helminth infection. Our findings reveal that there were helminth infections of both zoonotic and socioeconomic importance among the cattle screened. Considering the impact of the infections on animal production and public health, we advocate that effective prophylactic measures be adopted as a first step to curtail helminth infections of cattle in Nigeria.
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    Distribution of gastrointestinal helminthosis of small ruminants in Ibadan, South Western Nigeria: Role of traditional rearing system
    (Nature and Science, 2014) Adediran, O. A.; Adebiyi, I. A.; Uwalaka, E. C.
    In Nigeria, where the great majority of herds are managed traditionally, the search for feed and water results in scavenging livestock-raising methods. This often exposes such animals to high levels of infections, causing considerable losses. A survey was conducted during the short wet season to determine the prevalence and role of factors associated with small ruminant helminthosis in Ibadan region. A total of 880 sheep and goats were examined using standard parasitological procedures. The overall prevalence of helminthosis was 92.7%. Species prevalence of helminthosis was 96.1% and 89.3% in sheep and goats respectively. Sex prevalence was 94.1% and 87.8% in females and males respectively. Peri-urban prevalence was 96.0% while urban had 88.8% of mixed helminth infection. It was also observed that 42.5% and 57.7% of animal owners in urban and peri-urban areas lacked knowledge of anthelmintic used. Others, 20% and 30% of urban and periurban owners expressed some knowledge of existence of worms but believed that scavenging animals when infected have innate ability to seek medicinal herbs and plants to graze on. A total of 10% of all owners interviewed are aware that veterinary care should be given but only when the animals are obviously sick or fail to thrive. Our results reveal that the entire Ibadan region is endemic for gastrointestinal helminthosis and owners in the region believe that the best system for rearing small ruminants is the extensive management. [Adediran OA, Adebiyi Al, Uwalaka EC. Distribution of Gastrointestinal Helminthosis of Small Ruminants in Ibadan, South Western Nigeria: Role of Traditional Rearing System.
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    Seroprevalence of canine leishmaniasis in Kwara, Oyo and Ogun states of Nigeria
    (Indian Society for Parasitology, 2014-08) Adediran, O. A.; Kolapo, T. U.; Uwalaka, E. C.
    Leishmaniasis is an important tropical disease that is gradually gaining attention in Nigeria. The canine species which include domestic dogs have been named the reservoir host for the zoonotic form of leishmaniasis. The present study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of canine leishmaniasis in three selected states of Nigeria using indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Two hundred and seventy-three canine sera were tested for Leishnmnia IgG antibodies. Dogs sampled were grouped into young (<1 year) and adult (>1 year). Total prevalence recorded was 4.40 % (12/273). There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between sera of hunting (4.83 %) and companion dogs (3.03 %). Furthermore, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between young and adults dogs. There was no correlation between sex and prevalence of canine leishmaniasis. However, significant difference (P < 0.05) was observed in the prevalence of each state with Kwara, Oyo and Ogun having 14.63, 3.33 and 1.32 % respectively. The result of this study established the presence of canine leishmaniasis in Oyo, Ogun and Kwara Slates of Nigeria making the zoonotic form of the disease a possibility
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    The comparative effect of onchocerciasis on the people of the northern and southern parts of Nigeria
    (IDOSI Publications, 2014) Anong, C.I.N.; Adediran, O.A.; Akinboade, O.A.
    Researchers have variously submitted that Simulium damnosum, the arthropod vector carrying the onchocerciasis parasite, breeds during the rainy season in the south western part of Nigeria. Since there is a difference in the climatic condition found in the northern part of Nigeria, we need to specially do a comparative study of situations in the North, as related to the disease, in terms of its causes and effects. This study investigated the differences in the North-South prevalence of onchocerciasis and the different types of the disease found in the North versus the South of Nigeria. The comparative strength (quality) of its impact and the spread of its impact. Local government records were accessed and a survey for presence of microfilariae in individuals carried out in Kaduna and Oyo states. Onchocerciasis in the north is more impactful health-wise and economically on the Northern population with higher frequency of occurrence of river blindness and a higher overall prevalence as well as in the productive age groups
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    Antihelminthic and anticoccidial effects of vernonia amygdalina in goats
    (Global Researchers Journal, 2014) Adediran, O. A.; Uwalaka, E. C.; Kolapo, T. U.
    The deteriorating and adverse effect of chemoprophylaxis and chemotherapy in livestock production has been well documented, however, not many alternatives with minimal or no side effects are available for treatment and control of parasite infections. Vernonia amygdalina, also known as bitter leaf, has been reported to have various medicinal properties, however, its antihelminthic and anticoccidial properties in goats has not been investigated despite anecdotal reports of its antidiarrhoiec effects in the specie. 20 goats were bought from various households, stabilized, divided into treatment group of fifteen and control group of five. They were fed on pasture and allowed to acquire natural parasite infection that was confirmed by feacal count and culture. The treatment groups were fed with V amygdalina leaves and young stalk ad libitum for two days while the control group was denied access to the plant. Feacal samples were collected on days 1, 2, 4 and 7, post treatment and sent to laboratory for analysis. The ingestion of Vernonia amygdalina was effective in the clearance of helminth eggs and coccidian cysts with an efficacy of 100% for helminths and 99.4% for coccidia. Five goat owners with herds ranging between five to twelve in number diagnosed with helminth infecton were asked to feed V amygdalina leaves to the goats once a week. All the goats were free of helminth infection within the period of four weeks that they were monitored. The effect of Vernonia amygdalina on helminth and coccidian parasites in goats has corroborated findings by other authors in other animal species and man. The plant provides an alternative and natural antiparasitic agent for goat heminth and coccidian that is environment friendly and without the effect of chemical residues. Further, studies on the dose may have to be carried out