Veterinary Microbiology & Parapsychology
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Item Animal health management: principles and practice(Centre for General Studies, 2019) Eyarefe, O.D.; Jeremiah, O. T.Item Anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia hirta Linn in Nigerian dogs(2005) Adedapo, A. A.; Shabi, O. O.; Adedokun, O. A.The anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous crude extract of Euphorbia Itirta Linn was studied in 20 Nigerian dogs that were naturally infected with nematodes. They were randomly divided into 4 groups. A, B. C and D. Groups A and B each comprised 4 dogs while groups C and D comprised 6 dogs each. Group A animals were untreated, while those in group B were treated with proprietary anthelmintic (Mebendazole). Groups C and D animals were treated with aqueous crude extracts of E. hirta using intramuscular and oral routes, respectively. Two weeks after treatment, blood and faecal samples were collected to evaluate haematological values and faecal egg counts, respectively. The procedure was repeated two weeks later. Results of this study show that the aqueous crude extracts of E. hirta after its administration into local dogs produced a significant increase (P< 0.05) in PCV, RBC. l ib cone.. TWBC and lymphocyte counts. The faecal egg counts also showed a remarkable and significant reduction in the levels of the identified helminths. The reduction in faecal egg counts was more pronounced with the extract administered through the oral route when compared with the intramuscular route. The effects of the plant extracts were broad spectrum in action. The phenol compound present in the plant extract could have caused reduction in worm load through this same mechanism that culminates in exhaustion and death ofworms. Since the aqueous crude extract of £. hirta significantly reduced the faecal egg count of the helminths, it could serve as an anthelmintic agentItem Anthropophilic nature of the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus in Ibadan, Nigeria(Tropical Veterinarian, 2001) Sadiq, N .A.; Adejinmi, J. O.; Adedokun, A.O.A case of human infestation by the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latereille, 1806) is reported from a reclaimed area of land for human dwellings. The infestation is attributed to nonavailability of rodents, other game animals and reduced number of dogs used for gaming.Item Antihelminthic and anticoccidial effects of vernonia amygdalina in goats(Global Researchers Journal, 2014) Adediran, O. A.; Uwalaka, E. C.; Kolapo, T. U.The deteriorating and adverse effect of chemoprophylaxis and chemotherapy in livestock production has been well documented, however, not many alternatives with minimal or no side effects are available for treatment and control of parasite infections. Vernonia amygdalina, also known as bitter leaf, has been reported to have various medicinal properties, however, its antihelminthic and anticoccidial properties in goats has not been investigated despite anecdotal reports of its antidiarrhoiec effects in the specie. 20 goats were bought from various households, stabilized, divided into treatment group of fifteen and control group of five. They were fed on pasture and allowed to acquire natural parasite infection that was confirmed by feacal count and culture. The treatment groups were fed with V amygdalina leaves and young stalk ad libitum for two days while the control group was denied access to the plant. Feacal samples were collected on days 1, 2, 4 and 7, post treatment and sent to laboratory for analysis. The ingestion of Vernonia amygdalina was effective in the clearance of helminth eggs and coccidian cysts with an efficacy of 100% for helminths and 99.4% for coccidia. Five goat owners with herds ranging between five to twelve in number diagnosed with helminth infecton were asked to feed V amygdalina leaves to the goats once a week. All the goats were free of helminth infection within the period of four weeks that they were monitored. The effect of Vernonia amygdalina on helminth and coccidian parasites in goats has corroborated findings by other authors in other animal species and man. The plant provides an alternative and natural antiparasitic agent for goat heminth and coccidian that is environment friendly and without the effect of chemical residues. Further, studies on the dose may have to be carried outItem The assessment of fasciola gigantica infection in the rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus) as a laboratory model parasite development - clinical symptoms and liver pathology(2001) Adedokun, O. A.; Fagbemi, B.O.In this study, the rabbit was assessed as a laboratory host lor the helminthes parasite, Fasciola gigantica. Three groups of rabbits were infected experimentally with 5. 10 and 15 metacercariao of F. gigantica respectively. Clinical signs found included pale mucous membrane, progressive emaciation and rough hair coat. The post mortem findings Included haemorrhage and scattered calcified nodulos on the omentum. Echymosis, fibrosis and necrosis were prominent on the liver in addition to fibrosis and thickening ol the gall bladder and bile ducts. Histopathology of the liver revealed congestion, haemorrhage, cellular infiltration and necrosis. Bile ducts were hyper plastic and dbrotic with severe inflammatory reactions The ova of gigantica were recovered from the faeces of some infected rabbits at 10 weeks post infection Mean number of flukes recovered from the rabbits was 0 in the 5 metacercariae group. 2 in the 10 metacercariao group and 5 in the group given 15 metacercariae.Item A case of eperythrozoonosis in royal python (Python requis) in zoological garden in Ibadan, Nigeria(Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2010-12) Sonibare, A. O.; Kumshe, H. A; Adejinmi, J. O.; Ajuwape, A. T. P.; Adedokun, O. A.; Adedokun, R. A. M.; Ayoade, G.O.; Akinboye, G.B.Eperythrozoonosis in Royal python reported. Clinical observations included dullness, paleness and jaundiced mucous membrane. Parasitological examination revealed rickettsiae, Eperythrozoon. Stressful condition associated with Royal python in captivity resulted in lower immunity and development of evident infection. Routine screening of Royal Python's prey to prevent transfer of ticks by contact is advocated.Item CHARACTERIZATION OF STAPHYLOCOCCI ISOLATED FROM MAN AND ANIMALS IN NIGERIA(1984-03) ADEGOKE, G. O.A combination of physiological, biochemical and molecular characteristics was used in the study of 291 strains of staphylococci isolated from man, goats, sheep, poultry and other animals. Novobiocin-resistant strains were more prevalent amongst the coagulase-negative staphylococci examined. Of the 110 caprine strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci, 91 (87.7 per cent) were novobiocin-resistant. The strains identified to species level were found to be Staphylococcus sciuri, Staphylococcus lentus, Staphylococcus xylosus, Staphylococcus gallinarum, Staphylococcus cohnii and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. Staphylococcus sciuri and Staphylococcus lentus were easily differentiated from other novobiocin-resistant staphylococci by a positive-oxidase reaction. Morphologically, Staphylococcus sciuri and Staphylococcus lentus appeared indistinguishable. Staphylococcus lentus appeared more biochemically active than Staphylococcus sciuri and indeed other coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from goats with the exception of Staphylococcus gallinarum. Differentiation of Staphylococcus sciuri from Staphylo coccus lentus was facilitated by the inability of several strains of Staphylococcus sciuri to produce acid from melibiose. Novobiocin-resistant staphylococcal species were the only ones isolated from sheep and they had almost identical physiological and biochemical characteristics with those of caprine origin. Staphylococcus gallinarum, a new species of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from animals was found amongst the present collection of coagulase-negative staphylococci. Staphylococcus gallinarum resembled Staphylococcus lentus in its acid production from several carbohydrates used but its oxidase-negative reaction was used in its differentiation from Staphylococcus lentus. Staphylococcus gallinarum strains commonly produced acid from fructose, maltose, D-(+)-mannose, D-(-)-ribose, sucrose and D-(+)-trehalose. Most of the novobiocin- resistant, coagulase-negative staphylococci from animals were physiologically active as they produced a variety of extracellular products. Weak desoxyribonuclease activities were commonly found amongst Staphylococcus sciuri and Staphylococcus lentus and the strong reaction produced by Staphylococcus hyicus was found to be of diagnostic use. One strain of Staphylococcus sciuri produced thermostable nuclease and another strain of Staphylococcus lentus produced staphylokinase. Whilst intense protease production was commonly associated with Staphylococcus sciuri and Staphylococcus lentus, none of these strains produced lipolytic effects on egg-yolk medium whilst lipolytic effects were seen in strains of Staphylococcus xylosus and Staphylococcus cohnii. The characteristics of the novobiocin-resistant, coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from humans did not differ from those of animal strains. The strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from humans and animals had similar physiological and biochemical characteristics. The production of hyaluroni-dase and acetoin from glucose was helpful in differentiating Staphylococcus aureus from other coagulase-positive Staphylococcus intermedius and Staphylococcus hyicus strains isolated from various hosts. The strains of Staphylococcus intermedius isolated from a man having a pet dog had similar characteristics as the other strains of Staphylococcus intermedius of canine origin. The human strain of Staphylococcus intermedius produced proteinase, phosphatase, desoxyribonuclease and thermostable nuclease but it failed to hydrolyze Tween 80 and did not produce hyaluronidase and acetoin from glucose. Acid production from a variety of carbohydrates by the human strain of Staphylococcus intermedius was however similar to that of Staphylococcus aureus of human origin but the strain did not produce acid from D-(+)-turanose. In the course of phage typing Staphylococcus aureus strains, a caprine phage was isolated from one strain (UI 150). Three caprine strains of Staphylococcus aureus that were untypable by using the International sets of phages for typing human strains of Staphylococcus aureus were susceptible to this caprine phage Gl. Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from humans and goats which were susceptible to the phage 80/81 complex had similar antibiograms. Whilst several of the human strains of Staphylococcus aureus were found to be of human biotype, the caprine strains of Staphylococcus aureus belonged to biotype C. Resistance to tetracycline was found in some strains of Staphylococcus aureus of caprine origin whilst a higher percentage of human strains of Staphylococcus aureus produced penicillinase. Sensitivity to the cephalosporins was commonly found amongst all the Staphylococcus aureus strains examined. With human factor sera, all the Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from humans were serotypable. Of the 14 caprine strains of Staphylococcus aureus examined, 10 were serotypable. Agglutinogens a5, b1, o and h2 were found amongst the Staphylococcus aureus strains of human and animal origins. Two Staphylococcus intermedius strains isolated from humans and dogs were serotypable and they had agglutinogen in common. All the 3 Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from giant rats (Cricetomys gambianus) were serotypable with a5 and p agglutinogens being common to them. Some isolates were obtained which could not be identified the application of chemotaxonomic and molecular characterization procedures however provided a relationship to some of the newly-described species of staphylococci. Some relatively uncommon teichoic acids were found amongst some strains. A caprine strain of coagulase-positive, staphylococcus had glycerol and glucosamine teichoic acids whilst a strain of coagulase- negative staphylococcus of caprine origin possessed glycerol, glucose, galactose and N-acetylglucosamine teichoic acids. The guanine plus cytosine (G + C) content of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of some of the strains tested ranged between 32.7 and 34.6 per cent. DNA-DNA hybridization values amongst some of the coagulase- negative staphylococci revealed some relationships to Staphylococcus gallinarum, Staphylococcus lentus and Staphylococcus sciuri.Item Chorioptes bovis (Mite) isolation from chicken(Tropical Veterinarian, 1999) Adedokun, A.O.; Owoade, A.A.During routine visits to two poultry farms in Ibadan, Nigeria, heavy infestations of the birds with minute barely visible ectoparasites were encountered. These' parasites caused itching and depressed egg production in affeted flocks. Samples of the ectoparasites were collected from the two farms and idetified as Chorioptes bovisItem The comparative effect of onchocerciasis on the people of the northern and southern parts of Nigeria(IDOSI Publications, 2014) Anong, C.I.N.; Adediran, O.A.; Akinboade, O.A.Researchers have variously submitted that Simulium damnosum, the arthropod vector carrying the onchocerciasis parasite, breeds during the rainy season in the south western part of Nigeria. Since there is a difference in the climatic condition found in the northern part of Nigeria, we need to specially do a comparative study of situations in the North, as related to the disease, in terms of its causes and effects. This study investigated the differences in the North-South prevalence of onchocerciasis and the different types of the disease found in the North versus the South of Nigeria. The comparative strength (quality) of its impact and the spread of its impact. Local government records were accessed and a survey for presence of microfilariae in individuals carried out in Kaduna and Oyo states. Onchocerciasis in the north is more impactful health-wise and economically on the Northern population with higher frequency of occurrence of river blindness and a higher overall prevalence as well as in the productive age groupsItem A comparative study of three methods for detecting Fasciola infections in Nigerian cattle(VETERINARSKIARHIV, 2008) Adedokun, O. A.; Ayinmode, A. B.; Fagbemi, B. O.Qualitative examination of Fasciola gigantica eggs in faeces and bile were compared with the detection of precipitating antibodies in sera by agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) in 1000 cattle slaughtered at the Bodija municipal abattoir in Ibadan, Nigeria. Faecal and bile examination methods detected (196) 33.5% and (389) 38.9% of the animals as positive for fasciolosis, while (474) 47.4% were positive by AGPT. Both direct bile examination and faecal egg detection methods have high specificity and positive predictive value (100%) when compared with AGPT. However, lower values for sensitivity and negative predictive value were observed for both faecal egg examination (66.5% and 67.9% respectively) and bile examination (81.0% and 78.9% respectively). Fecal and bile examination failed to detect 33.5% and 19.0% of the cases detected by AGPT. The results of this study revealed that the AGPT could become a better test for the herd diagnosis of bovine fasciolosis for veterinarians and other investigators in Nigeria.Item Concurent fatal helm1nthosis and balantidos1s in red monkey (Erythrocebuspatas) in Ibadan, Nigeria(Nigerian Veterinary Journal, 2002) Adedokun, O. A.; Adedokun, R. A. M.; Emikpe, B. O.; Ohore, O. G.; Oluwayelu, D.O; Ajayi, O.L.Fresh fecal specimen from a moribund red monkey (Erythrocebuspatas) from the zoological garden, University of Ibadan with a history of dysentery was examined. Ova of Triclmris spp., Enterobius spp, Ancylostoma spp. and Strongyloides spp., as well as Balantidium spp oocysts were found. Post mortem, findings revealed the large intestine heavily infected with worms especially Trichuris spp., Ancylostoma spp. and Trichostronglus spp. which were enmeshed in a thick layer of mucous and blood on the mucosa. The public health importance is discussed.Item Diagnosing trichinellosis in pigs slaughtered at a major abattoir in Lagos State Nigeria(2014) Uwalaka, E. C.; Adediran, O. A.Trichinellosis, an infection caused by the Trichinella spp has been known to occur worldwide affecting almost all species of animals including man. It is an emerging or re- emerging disease in developed and developing countries. This survey was conducted to investigate the prevalence of trichinellosis in domestic pigs slaughtered in Lagos, Nigeria. Nine hundred pig sera were collected at slaughter in an abattoir in Lagos state. The sera samples were stored frozen at the parasitology research laboratory of the department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan till used. Post mortem examination was also carried out for 350 carcasses of the 900 from which blood samples were collected using standard procedures. 53 out of the 900 samples collected were seropositive for Trichinella E/S antigen using ELISA kit. No Trichinella cysts were found at postmortem examination. One of the sample positive at serology was negative at postmortem. A total sero- prevalence of 5.89% was obtained, 5.83 % (adults) and 7.65% of growers were positive. There was no serological evidence of trichinellosis in samples (44) collected from weaners. The male pigs had a higher prevalence (6.14%) than the females (5.45%). However, the differences between the ages and the sexes were not statistically significant (P≤ 0.05).This study has been able to provide serological evidence of the presence of trichinellosis in this state and thus the need to carry out proper postmortem examination after slaughter. Also, the absence of cyst at postmortem and the presence of antibodies at serology show that postmortem examination is not enough to screen for Trichinella in slaughtered food animals hence the need for the establishment of diagnostic laboratories at abattoirs in the countryItem Dirofilaria immitis infection in a three year old doberman: A case report(The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, 2011) Ajadi, R. A.; Omobowale, T. O.; Igado, O. O.; Adejinmi, J.O.; Adedokuii, O.A.; Nottidge, H. O.A three-year- old male Doberman that was presented at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria with the complaint of anorexia, bloody diarrhea and weight loss was diagnosed with a chronic form of heartworm disease based on the findings at the physical examination which included a complete blood count, liver function tests and thoracic radiography. The physical examination revealed that the dog’s mucous membranes were pale and there was a copious bilateral macopurulent ocular discharge present. There was subcutaneous oedema on the ventral thoracic region, while auscultation revealed tachypnea and an irregular heart rhythm. The results of the hematology and liver enzyme tests revealed moderate anaemia, which was normochromic and normocytic. There was mild neutrophilia, eosinopaenia and monocytopaenia. Both the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate transaminase (AST) were markedly elevated. Also, the serum albumin concentrations and the albumin/globulin ratio were both markedly lowered. The direct blood smear revealed that the dog was negative for both Babesia canis and Erlichia canis, but positive for microfilaria. The microfilaria was 309 ±30µ in length and the anterior and posterior widths were 12±2.4µ and 9±1.6µ, respectively. The lateral thoracic radiograph showed that the heart was normal in size, while the pulmonary vasculatures were visible and within normal range. The health of the dog improved following treatment with levamisole and gentaprim. This case confirms the efficacy of levamisole in combination with gentaprim in the management of canine heart worm disease.Item Dirofilaria immitis infection in a three year old doberman: A case report(The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, 2011) Ajadi, R. A.; Omobowale, T. O.; Igado, O. O.; Adejinmi, J. O.; Adedokun, O. A.; Nottidge, H. OA three-year- old male Doberman that was presented at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria with the complaint of anorexia, bloody diarrhea and weight loss was diagnosed with a chronic form of heartworm disease based on the findings at the physical examination which included a complete blood count, liver function tests and thoracic radiography. The physical examination revealed that the dog’s mucous membranes were pale and there was a copious bilateral mucopurulent ocular discharge present. There was subcutaneous oedema on the ventral thoracic region, while auscultation revealed tachypnea and an irregular heart rhythm. The results of the hematology and liver enzyme tests revealed moderate anaemia, which was normochromic and normocytic. There was mild neutrophilia, eosinopaenia and monocytopaenia. Both the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate transaminase (AST) were markedly elevated. Also, the serum albumin concentrations and the albumin/globulin ratio were both markedly lowered. The direct blood smear revealed that the dog was negative for both Babesia canis and Erlichia canis, but positive for microfilaria. The microfilaria was 309 ±30p in length and the anterior and posterior widths were 12±2.4p and 9±1.6ji, respectively. The lateral thoracic radiograph showed that the heart was normal in size, while the pulmonary vasculatures were visible and within normal range. The health of the dog improved following treatment with levamisole and gentaprim. This case confirms the efficacy of levamisole in combination with gentaprim in the management of canine heart worm disease.Item Distribution of gastrointestinal helminthosis of small ruminants in Ibadan, South Western Nigeria: Role of traditional rearing system(Nature and Science, 2014) Adediran, O. A.; Adebiyi, I. A.; Uwalaka, E. C.In Nigeria, where the great majority of herds are managed traditionally, the search for feed and water results in scavenging livestock-raising methods. This often exposes such animals to high levels of infections, causing considerable losses. A survey was conducted during the short wet season to determine the prevalence and role of factors associated with small ruminant helminthosis in Ibadan region. A total of 880 sheep and goats were examined using standard parasitological procedures. The overall prevalence of helminthosis was 92.7%. Species prevalence of helminthosis was 96.1% and 89.3% in sheep and goats respectively. Sex prevalence was 94.1% and 87.8% in females and males respectively. Peri-urban prevalence was 96.0% while urban had 88.8% of mixed helminth infection. It was also observed that 42.5% and 57.7% of animal owners in urban and peri-urban areas lacked knowledge of anthelmintic used. Others, 20% and 30% of urban and periurban owners expressed some knowledge of existence of worms but believed that scavenging animals when infected have innate ability to seek medicinal herbs and plants to graze on. A total of 10% of all owners interviewed are aware that veterinary care should be given but only when the animals are obviously sick or fail to thrive. Our results reveal that the entire Ibadan region is endemic for gastrointestinal helminthosis and owners in the region believe that the best system for rearing small ruminants is the extensive management. [Adediran OA, Adebiyi Al, Uwalaka EC. Distribution of Gastrointestinal Helminthosis of Small Ruminants in Ibadan, South Western Nigeria: Role of Traditional Rearing System.Item Dysecdysis secondary to anaphylactic reaction in a captive royal python {python regius) at the Zoological garden, Ibadan, Nigeria(2016-03) Sonibare, A.O.; Ajuwape, A.T.P.; Egbetade, A.O.; Adediran, O.A.; Adejinmi, J.O.; Adedokun, R.A.M.Dysecdysis in a royal python is reported. Clinical observation included pruritus, gasping and urticarial rash with massive local circumscribed spontaneous swellings which later developed into moist and inflamed wheals culminating into foci of blisters with extensive skin shedding affecting mostly two third of the hind quarters. Bacteriological examination of blister swabs revealed Escherichia coli and haematology stressed neutrophils, eosinphilia with massive mast cell degranulation. Stressful conditions from captive environment associated with prolong anorexia and the provisioning of a new prey different from those obtained in wild may precipitate immune mediated reactions. This is a rare documentation of dysecdysis with anaphylaxis from a captive facility in NigeriaItem Ectoparasites and haemoparasites of indigenous chicken (gallus domesticus) in Ibadan and environs.(Tropical Veterinarian, 2003) Sadiq, N.A.; Adejinmi, J.O; Adedokun, O.A.; Fashanu, S.O.; Alimi, A. A.This research undertook the study of ectoparasites and haemoparasites found on and in the body of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus). Six hundred and nineteen ectoparasites were collected from 375 chicken from 28 households in and around Ibadan city between February and November, 1999. Of these, 455 (72.72%) were lice, among which 253 (40.12%) were Menopon ga/linae, 53 (8.4%) were Columbicola columbae, 48 (7.75%) were Goniocotes hologuster, 33 (5.33%) were Goniodes gigas, 31 (5%) were Chelopistes meleagridis, 23 (3.7%) were Liperus capon is and 15 (2.42%) were Cuclotogaster heterographus. One hundred and twenty one (19.55%) were identified as the soft tick Argas persicus. Fourty three (6.94%) mites, identified as Dermanyssus gallinae were also found. Giemsa stained smears from 150 uncoagulated chicken blood samples examined at x 1,000 magnification, revealed presence of Plasmodium species (spp.) in 48 (32%) of the samples. Leucocytozoon spp accounted for 30 (20%), while Haemoproteus spp was identified in two (1.3%) of the samples. Mixed infection with Plasmodium spp and Leucocytozoon spp w'ere identified in 14 (9.33%), while Leucocytozoon spp and Plaemoproteus spp were identified in four (2.67%) of the blood samples. Six (4%) of the blood samples have the three haemoparasites. The need to control these ectoparasites was stressedItem Ectoparasites of farmed clarias gariepinus in Eti-Osa local government area, Lagos state, Nigeria(Science Education Development Institute, 2012-12) Elezuo, K. O.; Omonona, A.O.; Adedokun, O. AThe occurrence and prevalence of ectoparasites on farmed C/arias gariepinus from Eti-Osa local government area, Lagos State was investigated. A total of 110 fish specimens were procured from 5 farms in Eti-Osa local gov ernment area and examined for ectoparasite infestation. 5 out of the 110 fish specimens were infested giving a low prevalence rate of 4.5%. Two parasites namely Sanguinicola (blood fluke: Digenean i rental ode) and Nematode were isolated. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) between ectoparasite infestation in the male and female fish. There was no correlation between size of fish and ectoparasite infestation. Nematode had a higher prevalence, abundance and means intensity of 2.73%. 0.03 and 0.6 respectively than Sanguinicola with the values 1.82%, 0.02 and 0.4 for prevalence, abundance and means intensity respectively. All the ectoparasites were recovered from the gills, giving a prevalence rate of 4.5%. The low occurrence and prevalence of ectoparasites on farmed C. gariepinus from Eti-Osa local government area could be attributed to the high level of management observed in these farms. The high standard of pond and farm management attained by fish farmers in this local government area should be sustained. Also, the introduction of catfish fingerlings from the wild into the fish farms should be avoidedItem Effect of husbandry system on the incidence of lungworm {metastrongylus spp} in pigs in Ibadan, Nigeria(Tropical Veterinarian, 2001) Adedokun, O. A.; Adejinmi, J. O.; Ukoikpoko, G.B.Detection of helminth infection in pigs by faecal examination was carried out between the months of August and December 1998. Out of430 pigs 64 (14.9%) were positive for Metastrongylus spp. Of these, 10(15.6%) were adults/breeders, 40(62.5%) were weaners/growers, while 14(21.9%) were piglets. Infection rate 8.7% was found in exotic breeds, 15.3% in crossbreed and 100% in local breeds. All intensively managed farms werelungworm-freewhile28.57% and 100% infectionrate respectively, were found on semi-intensively and extensively managed piggeries. The implications of these findings to the pig industry in Nigeria are discussedItem Effects of Antibiotics, Salt and pH on the Hatchability of Fasciola Gigantica Eggs: Short Communication(Tropical Veterinarian, 2001) Adedokun, O. A.; Adejinmi, J. O.; Sadiq, N.A.; Enibe, O.F.A study was carried out to examine the effects of various antibiotics, salt concentrations and pH on the hatchability of F. gigantica eggs. It was observed that tetracycline concentration of 0.5mg/ml and above inhibited the development and hatching of F. gigantica eggs. Salt concentration of 1% gave low hatchability while 2% concentration and above strictly inhibited the hatching of the eggs. Acidic pH of 3-5 inhibited hatching of F. gigantica eggs while pH of 7-8 promoted hatching of eggs to above 3.4%. The possibility of employing the results of this study to fashion out a control measure against fasciolosis in farm animals is discussed.
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